The Rurouni Kenshin Temple

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News Update


Since the site has been getting so much negative feedback I've decided to bring the site down and leave room for someone who will put up a site that people like. Sorry I haven't worked on the site much but I've been very busy with school. Bye bye Sea-Dawg

P.S. For those who have supported the site I want to say thanks and if there is anything you want off the site go get it now before I bring the site down in the next week or so. Also please don't steal the fanpics without the artists permission they worked really hard on them. ^_^ Thanks again!


I've decided to concentrate on updating the character profiles since a great deal of the pictures have been missing for a while or the pictures weren't very nice.

Here's the sections I've done so far:
K&K Gang All DONE!
Friends.. missing Eiji pic (anyone have one?)
Shinsengumi (missing some descriptions)
Juppongatana (missing name of cho's sword)
Other Advisaries (missing many pics still -_-)
Misc. Characters (missing many pics still -_-)


Thanks to the support I've been getting for the site I've decided to go back and work on it. Would personally like to thank all those who have supported this page and especially the ones that have done so by writing me and showing their support. ^_^ I'm doing my best now to make up for lost time and get this page closer to what I had envisioned when I first started it. If you have any artwork or writings that you would like to share on this page please e-mail me and we'll talk! ^_^ Although I have lots of plans for the page I do love to hear from visitors to see what they would like to see on the site or what can be done to make it better. If you see something that you like let me know but even better if you see something you don't like let me know too! If e-mails are too cumbersome you can also catch me on ICQ! Well enough chatter, hope everyone likes the updates! ^_^ Ciao!

Here are all the updates that I've done so far:
All the buttons on the page should be back!
3 more of the mp3 links work!!
Added a few pictures that had broken links!
Added Satisfaction Poll! (Be Honest! hee hee)^_-
Small cosmetic changes and more to come..

Also make sure to check out the other great Kenshin pages to be found on the Web by clicking on the "Links" button.

Any and all suggestions/additions are welcome... just e-mail me.. I welcome all comments!

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Last Updated: 03/13/2000

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