"Life is only a series of events that occur while our hearts beat, and it was going on before we were brought into this world, and will continue when we leave it. No one knows how their life will affect that of those that come after, nor do they know how their lives were affected by the ones who died before them. All we know is that everything that happens is for a specific reason, and that no matter what changes we make, that had been planned out before we ever came. No matter how hard we try, we can't alter that. No matter how much we want it, destiny will prevail, overcoming all odds, jumping all hurdles. This is the story of one destiny so sure, it went through time and space, and even more amazing, two stubborn hearts. Not ending when one life expired, but living into the next. This is the story of not overcoming fate, but succumbing to it.........." - Sailor Europa, "Love Through Time ~ A Serena and Darien Saga"

Click above to read the story of Queen Serenity, and the Silver Millennium, and be transported back thousands of years ago, when the galaxy lived in peace....

Last updated - Nov. 2, 1998


Picture Archive - Gaze upon the majestic images of the princesses, and their families.

History - The History behind "Time Honored".....

Planetary Histories - The histories of each of the nine planets in our Solar System.

Independent Stories - Other stories written by the author of "Time Honored", Michelle Merriman.

Links - The sparse (as of right now...) links page.....

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