Well, the title says it all. My hard disk crashed just recently and whatever I was planning to do has just gone up in so much virtual smoke. (Which includes everuthing I've done in my recent school term and any personal arts I've done. Trust me, I got better. ^^U) My apologies to everyone who supported my page, but I simply can't work anymore without a recent copy of my files and any backups I have were months ago. I'll do my best if I can, but I have a more pressing concern in school now (I'm currently in the last half of my final year for my diploma) so I can't be working on this page anymore. Again, I am extremely sorry. But still, a heartfelt Thank You to everyone who's supported my page so far, you were all wonderful. I hope to be able to come back to it someday, but for now, fare thee well. But before I go, I still wish to say : Thank you and peace be with you. Down to the table of contents. |
My second and only other homepage, the Ah! My Goddess F.A.T.S page promises the same great fan stuff to be found on this page, and then some!, if you'll take the time to look. Like my Ranma page, the Ah! My Goddess page grows only when people make it grow, so come on over and add 'em contributions! If you loved this page, you'll really love that one. However, sadly, I have closed the page. Due to a lack of response and the wrong sort of response, the page is still available for viewing but not much else. Opens a new page on your browser. |
Contains current ideas I have in mind, projects in progress, updates of the month, and a suggestion box. Also has an Announcements area. |
Pictures drawn by fans, my own personal work (changed periodically), and works done for my/other fanfics, which now takes requests for other writers of fan fics who would like me to try my hand at their characters. (I may or may not take requests.) Shortcut to the Contribution Fan Art Segment Shortcut to Personal Works Shortcut to Fan Fiction Work Shortcut to my Gift Art! |
Fanfictions written by me and others. Recommended fics also found here. |
If you think your personality fits one or two of the characters in Ranma, enter yourself here! Witty commentaries are most welcome here! |
For Singaporean fans of Ranma, this features places to get Ranma memorbilia and any events currently related to Ranma. |
Have you ever found something/somewhere in your travels experiences that somehow, somewhere, resembles Ranma in some noticeable way? If you've got pictures to show it, bring them here and exhibit them! Animes, real life, you name it! Go on, visit! It also takes Cosplay pics if you have any to give. So go on, give it a go! |
Dedications to your favorite characters in the Main Cast, Items and Places in the World of Ranma, an FAQ where you can send questions to me as well as my views on Jusenkyo. Shortcut to the Dedications Page. Shortcut to the Main Characters page to see who've been dedicated to so far! Shortcut to the Jusenkyo Analysis Site and Mini FAQ! |
A list of funny quotes about Ranma, divided into categories and pages. |
Divided into two pages, contains Ranma Categorized links, Ultimate Links, General Anime Links, and Evangelion links. Shortcut to Page 1 (Ranma only) Links Shortcut to Page 2 (Anything else) Links Shortcut to Page 3 (Fan Artists/Artists United Links Page!) Links |
See who contributed what to the page last month as well as the 1st 10 contributors! Now contains a listing of the year's contributors, starting 1999. |
Personal advice for those who need help in Fan fictions and Arts. Do NOT flame me. Now includes a segment on how to sketch a basic P-chan! Shortcut to the Fan Fiction Help Segment Shortcut to the Fan Art Help Segment |
The Webrings I've joined. |
Contains an Image Archive that changes monthly (feel free to use the images, but give me credit.), the MIDIs on my page and the Lyrics to several songs. Also includes a Seiyuu (Voice Actor) page. Shortcut to MIDI & Lyrics Page Shortcut to Seiyuus Page Shortcut to Picture Archives |
Where you can send me your ideas, Vote for several things in Ranma, and tell me what you think about my page. Anonymiyity is the word here. All votes and comments will be kept confidential. (Unless public release is absolutely necessary. ^_^) |
Quite obvious. |
Also quite obvious. |
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Welcome to my page! This page is
(mostly) dedicated to the works of Ranma fans around the world. If you
have anything you would like to post here for others to see, be it a funny
Too Much Ranma quote, a fan fiction, or maybe a piece of art you wish to
display, you can do so here! Just remember to email me at the address given
below with the attachment. Also, this page contains an information page
on Ranma 1/2 collectibles in Singapore because of the author's origins,
and a few other info. pages about Ranma 1/2 for the beginner fan. Please
feel free to ask me anything about this page, its contents,fanfics, etc.!THE
important thing :
NO HENTAI (Pornographic materials) ALLOWED. If you're here for porn, forget it. You're looking for the Anime Turnpike instead. Para aquellos que no entienden inglés, este lugar no contiene ningn material pornográfico sobre Ranma. Por favor no envien emails pidiendo eso. Muchas Gracias. (For those of you who do not understand English, this place does not contain any pornographic material about Ranma, please not send any email for it. Thanks a lot.) Notice : All works used with their owners' permission, and none of the material here may be used without the owners' prior permisson for personal gain or public usage. (You can save the 'fics and fan art to read or to look at, but you are not to say they are yours.) Thank you for your co-operation. To find out more about the pages, just visit them and there will be an introductory message at the top. ^_^ Go to my email/ICQ addy! |
ICQ Page me! I'll get to you ASAP!
My ICQ No. is 35275966. If you don't know what ICQ is, visit the main
site via my paging service! (Oh, and remember to introduce yourself.)