All Things Japanese Considered
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Thank you for visiting the Nihongo homepage of M. Peterson. This page is dedicated to all things Japanese from a variety of perspectives. The links listed below are some good sources for a variety of topics on Japan and things Japanese.
This page was last updated on March 25, 2005 at 06:32 a.m. (Indiana Time) This site was first created for use with my students at Harrison and McCutcheon High Schools, West Lafayette, Indiana on 16 August 1997

  • CLICK THE LINK to Visit the 2004-2005 First Year Japanese Class of McCutcheon High School WASABI WARS at Sakura Restaurant 23 March 2005:

    McCutcheon High School Japanese

    Also, some of my McCutcheon students, who call themselves the "JAPANESE GHETTO PIRATES" put together a web site. The note which I received says:

    " We made it have a Japanese theme where anyone can talk about anything Japanese that they want to. I was hoping you could take a look at these forums and e-mail the link to all Japanese students at Harrison and McCutcheon."

    As you can see, I simply decided to post the link here on my web page.

    Japanese Ghetto Pirates

    Also, you might check out this next link to a Japanese Theme web page. This was put together by a graduate of McCutcheon High School with manga and comic talents. Her page is called "Japanese Language Study - get help from the Japanese Wombat". (Yea, it's a funny name but it was one of those 'once in a life time' nicknames from a class that stuck).


    Ally's page is related to Japanese study, with the idea to help certain students who might still be having dificulty with hiragana, some grammar points on verb conjugation or things like that. Follow this web link to visit the web page of Radical Edward 2 (aka the culture vulture, aka the Japanese wombat)

    Japanese Language Study: get help from the Japanese Wombat

  • CLICK THE LINK to Visit the Foreign Language Department of Harrison High School:

    Harrison High School Foreign Language Department

    Harrison High School Japan Tour- Summer 2004 (TOKYO and KYOTO web links to help in choosing the sites we wish to visit.)

    TOUR 2004

    ***SOMETHING NEW FOR TEACHERS OF JAPANESE*** 00 AIJ Ordering Information

    The AFICIONADO OF INDIANA JAPANESE Resource Disk for Macintosh or PC can be used by any teacher of Japanese who would like to have a coordinated lesson plan which details workbook assignments and CD audio tracks for the Adventures in Japanese textbook series which is published by Cheng and Tsui. This resource CD set also includes a specific document which outlines the National Standards of Japanese Language Instruction for various learning levels. More information on this Indiana State Department of Education approved document, which I wrote for the Tippecanoe County School District of Lafayette, Indiana, is given below.

    While the AFICIONADO OF INDIANA JAPANESE Resource Disk for Macintosh or PC is coordinated to Adventures in Japanese, most of the included materials are informational and educational resources which are applicable to virtually any textbook series. Regarding the documents related to the Adventures In Japanese series, each level has been prepared as a year long course of study for the 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year books. The newest update and upgrade of the AFICIONADO OF INDIANA JAPANESE Resource Disk for Macintosh or PC, includes the 4th year Field Test Version which provides a year long lesson plan sequence and, as of January 2004, a 200 question final exam for the first semester of the 4th level course. The lesson plans for all levels are tested, and capable of being altered to any Japanese language teacher's special needs. This allows for variance in school schedules and grading periods. Great care has been taken to follow the Adventures In Japanese texts in regards to their organization and sequencing, insuring that such things as the Christmas lessons, the New Years lessons, Mother’s Day lessons and other calendar events occur at the appropriate time in the school year. The immediacy of the text information being presented during the appropriate season is highly beneficial for students. It allows the opportunity of learning and experiencing Japanese language in real time. Each level of Japanese language study from first year through third year comes with a textbook coordinated final exam of two hundred questions, for both a fall semester and a spring semester. These tests have been created in multiple choice formats that make extensive use of hiragana, katakana and kanji. Each test allows for the rearranging of questions without retyping the test by simply highlighting the entire question, and then dragging it to a new position if it is your wish to alter the question sequence. There are additional benefits regarding these testing files, not detailed here, due to the nature of the internet and accessibility of this information by students and teachers alike.

    As a supplement to any Japanese language program, there are reference sources for Japanese films which can be used for historic, cultural and language study enhancement. Films give opportunities to discuss cultural values in a relatively safe format when some of the information may be socially sensitive. I find that Japanese dialogue films, even if subtitled, have some relevance to the grammar points covered in any given week of Japanese language study. The films listed are organized in a correlated language level sequence to introduce concepts or ideas over a three year span of Japanese instruction. Many of these film suggestions are supported with materials for research, projects, quiz sheets and other related documentation. In Addition to movies, films and anime, there are file folders which give information on such topics as Bunraku Puppet Theater, Foods, Japanese Ghosts, Japanese Trivia, Math / number games, Mt Fuji, Japanese music (including more than 100 mp3 audio tracks), Films, and Books, just to name a few of the cultural, societal, historical and language specific topics available which have been compiled, created or documented during more than 15 years of Japanese language instruction. One specific bonus is a picture folder with photos taken in Japan during the summer of 2001. There is a photo sequence of four photo panels showing a 360 degree view of Hiroshima as it is now, from ground zero at the T bridge. By opening each panel and scrolling to the left or right, it is possible to see the entire "ground zero" area, including the Peace Dome. In total, there are 50 topic folders included for use in any Japanese class situation regardless of the textbook series you may be using.
    As mentioned, The National Standards of Japanese Language Instruction have been outlined in a document created for the Tippecanoe County Schools in 2002. These standards are coordinated by grade level, and specific tasks are target coordinated as identifiable behaviors or tasks accomplishable by students in Japanese classes. The resource for this Standards document is the result of an effort by K-16 level Japanese language educators. It is based upon the Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Preparing for the 21st Century, developed by the National Standards in Foreign Language Education Project. Close examination of the Foreign Language Education Project standards allowed the task force to determine modifications appropriate to meet the unique needs of Japanese teaching and learning environments. The resulting Japanese specific standards adopt the strengths of the standards document while incorporating changes that address issues specific to the field of Japanese language education.

    The cost for all this = $75.00

    The CD with all three levels has over 3500 files total, and 600MB+ of data. These files have been saved in both MacIntosh and IBM compatible formats. Version 3.5 has been updated to provide easier access to all topic folders, many of which are integrated with the lesson plans. These files go far beyond the basic lesson plan and test documents.
    The Millennial Music mp3 CD, with 127 data samples of Japanese music through the past millennium, is included and related music and lyrics files are on the Resource CD.

    For an order form and more specific information or questions, please e-mail me at:

    please include information about your school address and phone number, and information about your teaching position.

    Michael J. Peterson

    My thanks to the members of the Association of Indiana Teachers of Japanese who nominated me for the Indiana foreigna Language Pre-Collegiate Teacher of the Year award for the 2003-2004 school year. I could not have been more surprised to have been selected by the IFLTA portfolio committee at our recent conference. I have the greatest appreciation for all the members of that professional organization, and the National Council of Japanese Language Teachers with whom I was priveleged to serve from 1998 through 2001. Substantial thanks also goes to my family for putting up with the hours I disappear to work on Japanese related material. Moreover, had I not been blessed with a mission call to Japan in 1975, none of the friendships within AITJ or NCJLT would have ever come to pass. I have been blessed in many ways. My thanks to all of you who have come into my life, or will perhaps be part of my life in the future through the joy of Japanese.

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!,
    Michael J. Peterson November 2003

    The following link is dedicated to photos from my activities with the Indianapolis Opera since 1998. From my first performance in The Barber of Seville, on through about 12 other operas, these are a few of the pictures that give you some indication of my other interests besides Japanese. I was originally a choral / vocal major at Indiana University, and still coach some singers but mostly keep my self vocally limber by singing under the direction of Chorus Master John Schmidt. Some photos are from production photos by Denis Kelley - photographer.

    Indianapolis Opera

    [Most Recent Quotes from]

    Professional Development Opportunities for Japanese Language Teachers

    The following is a link to an electronic version of the handout presented at ACTFL conference 2002 in Salt Lake City on the 21-24 of November 2002. The page has been organized to allow direct access to the web links given in the handout. It is my hope to keep this page as current as possible with your help in identifying new programs, and weeding out dead links as they occur. Please notify me of any changes or additions which would be pertinent to this listing.
    Thank you
    Michael J. Peterson


    Professional Development Opportunities

    Multi-Region DVD Players:

    In this day and age, anyone who wishes to study the language of a country should seriously consider the benefit of using films as a resource to delve deeper into culture and customs, as well as native speed speech patterns. Nearly all cultures have a rich tradition of films, or at least film sources which provide a teacher with a natural language opportunity. With few exceptions, nearly every student in your class room has learned a certain degree of his or her native language while perched in front of a TV set. Films, when used in an organized fashion, and with liberal judicious use of the remote control to stop and discuss grammar patterns, attitudes or issues which can be compared to our own traditions or knowledge base becomes a solid means to make connections with countries which are inaccessible for the average student in high school, and sometimes even in college.

    With the advances in technology, particularly in Disc Video, my personal recommendation is for the use of DVD whenever possible, due to the capability of easily switching between Japanese native language, dubbed versions and the use of subtitles. In my classes, I tend to use the original Japanese language dialogues, and at times show films without the use of subtitles to challenge my students use of their ears and not just their eyes. The benefit is that students get to hear native speed language, grammar and syntax patterns, as well as have the opportunity to mentally register the actions taking place in context with the dialogue.

    One difficulty arises however, that not all DVD's are compatible with all DVD players. Part of this is due to formats, which could be NTSC (which is primarily used in American and Japanese DVD's), or PAL, which is generally not accessible on an American DVD player. Another difficulty is that DVD's are commonly set for a particular region and will only operate on a DVD player which is compatible to the region is identical for the recorded DVD.

    Recently, I've discovered Region Free DVD players which allow the capacity of a teacher to gather DVD sources from around the world, and still be able to preview them, and use them as a teaching resource in the classroom. I am particularly impressed with the Malata 520 Region Free DVP player (the Malata is known as a DVP player and not a DVD player) as sold by This player even features the capability of plugging in microphones and using the player as a karaoke machine.

    I like the fact that this DOT COM supplier also has upgradeable firmware that you can download and run to update your DVD player, which means that they don't just sell the DVD players, they support them as well.

    There is also the DAV 3600 player, which is a home theatre system and tuner, packaged with the same sound system used by Sony. This heightens the capability for any of you who might wish to sample karaoke in surround sound, or simply just watch your DVD's with theatre sound. This machine has all the features of the DVP 520. Both of these machines run NTSC and PAL formats as well as DVD's from any region of the world. For more information concerning formats and frequently asked questions about DVD players see the following links.

    DVD Players NTSC and PAL Formats Demystified
    Frequently Asked Questions at

    In addition to the hardware available at, you can run the search engine and find Japanese dialogue DVD's featuring the King of the Japanese Monsters - GODZILLA. HKflix also has a wealth of Asian films which will play on such a DVD machine, however, you must be selective in your search because there are films which are not educationally appropriate.

    I believe that it is no longer possible to buy thus specific machine since the model is about four years old. For information and specifications of other machines which perform similar tasks, click on the following link:

    Region Free Players from various manufacturers and prices -

    Region Free Players

    For a direct link to the HKflix web page you will find features such as a search engine and their catalogue of films from Asia. Please click on the link below.
    The following link for Japanese Bookmarks includes a variety of topics which I use in my various classes as complements to films, literature, history and arts during the course of a school year. The Japanese language, society and culture lends itself readily to a multitude of possible connections and gives depth to the study of the language. In addition, it helps to give us an appreciation for perspectives which expand our understanding of ourselves and our relationships in communities outside of our local experience.

    Specific headings are as follows:


    ARTS & ACTIVITES: Ukiyo-E / Sumi-E / Netsuke / Yakimono









    MAPS: Travel and General Interest (Tokyo & Mt. Fuji)

    MARTIAL ARTS: The NINJA & The SAMURAI(also Swords)




    REMOTE CAMERAS / Live Video Cameras and Tours



    THEATRE IN JAPAN: Kabuki & Noh



    Book Reference for Japanese Topics

    The following two reference pages are an abbreviated book listing of sources for information related to a variety of Japanese topics. There are about 150 books referenced on each page, deliniated by topics. My entire library currently extends to about 550 volumes, of which, these which are listed make up some of the ones I have put to more regular use.

    Book References Listing A (Abacus to Emperor)

    Book References Listing B (Festivals to World War II

    Google Advanced Search

  • CLICK on this LINK to see all of the pages above in one continuous page:

    Japanese Bookmarks"

    For information relating to education in Japan at the college level, along with some commentary on education and "The Cultural Basis of Student Achievement" in Japan click here.

    Education in Japan

    Click here to view the guest book (or scroll down to the end to make an entry)

    View My Guest Book

    Topographical Map of Japan. Click on the Map for a larger version

    Click on the picture for a larger version

  • 1. Japanese embassies and headquarters: Some good resources available for anyone interested in Japan. This is the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) Web Site. Subheadings: WHAT'S NEW, ANNOUNCEMENTS, FOREIGN POLICY, ECONOMIC AFFAIRS, REGIONAL AFFAIRS, CULTURE, MOFA INFO, VISA, FEEDBACK, LINKS, NEWSLETTER, SITE MAP & SEARCH Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)

  • 2. University of Oregon: A valuable resource for teachers seeking something specialized about Japan. Subheadings: OREGON SECOND LANGUAGE POLICIES, LINKS, NEWSLETTER, WHAT'S NEW, JAPANESE PROGRAMS IN OREGON, PROFICIENCY PACKAGE - benchmarks, assesments and a MATERIALS ARCHIVE at the Center for Applied Japanese Language Studies.

    University of Oregon

  • 3. Middlebury College: Japanese learning resources (online) Language and literature--printed sources, Language and literature-- online sources, News sources, Teaching Japanese, Japanese language sources at other WWW sites, East Asian sources, Country information, General language sources

    Middlebury College

  • 4. Irasshai: The Japanese Language and Culture Distance Learning Course produced by Georgia Public Broadcasting.

    Irasshai - Welcome

  • 5. Various topics concerning "NIHON" Subheadings:Travel to Japan, Living in Japan, Arts and Crafts, Current News,Economy, Entertainment, Etiquette, Food, History, Language, Politics, Regional, Religion, Sports, Tradition, Transportation


  • 6. Fuchinobe School 3 day tour of Tokyo: a cute little tour of Tokyo devised in English by a group of 5th graders at the Fuchinobe school. The URL is no longer on the Fuchinobe site because the hosting link seems to have died. It has been added to my web site, it its original form in order to give credit to a group of fifth grade girls who did a real fine job of making this a cyber 'English explanation' tour of Tokyo. The actual tour - started out briefly in Kanji. (if you don't have a browser capable of reading it - don't worry - because all of the tour as presented here is in English, as written originally by the girls with help from their fifth grade teacher.

    The original posting of this tour would have been sometime around 1997 so you can get an idea of how old the girls might be now. The kanji part translates to: "This is mail sent out to the world, to Kidlink from Japan .....(snip). You will probably enjoy the English usage and grammar in parts of it, and if you are taking Japanese you may understand why some of the English grammar appears as it does here in their tour of Tokyo. I have had my students research the places or things mentioned here by these girls in their tour of Tokyo. It has proven to be educational. Fuchinobe Elementary School 3 Day 2 Night Tour of Tokyo

  • 7. Learn Hiragana: an interesting site to learn the basic syllabillary of grade school Japanese.

    Go to ""

    Another web site which provides hiragana learning practice, as well as information on adjectives, verbs and other grammar parts is:

    Go to ""

    One final link which contains information about Hiragana is:

    Learn Hiragana:

  • 8. Gairaigo: Head scratchers: "A list of abbreviated, mashed together, and otherwise unrecognizable foreign words (gairaigo), including some of my favorite (wasei Eigo) and some Japanese slang and dialect words that look like gairaigo.... but aren't." There is a link here that goes to the Honyaku (translators) Web page (which is #22 below) and also to the Web Page of Adam Rice who manages the list serve for Honyaku. He has some other interesting links to Japanese Clip Art (Matsuri Graphics) and a few other related (and not so related) items of interest.

    Go to ""

  • 9. Tokyo Eyes: a site that incorporates pictures into a commentary on life in Tokyo.

    Gairaigo: Foreign Words and Vocabulary to harangue your head.

  • 10.This is another page on the geocities host that has a good variety of useful tools and dictionaries for the student of Japanese. My thanks to Josh P., a student of mine, who constantly sends me little tidbits of wit, weird (and Japanese!)

    Uesful Tools for Japanese

  • 11. Japan Information Network: This site includes a Japan Web Navigator with a search feature that should allow you to look for specific items that you have a desire to find concerning Japan.

    Japan Information Network:
  • 12. Hiroshima, Japan. This is a duplication of some web pages from the city with an actual web link of I present some of these pages for general information linking the US and Japan forever in history.

    Hiroshima City Page Duplication
  • 13. As a reality check, this link to WGBH / PBS gives you a striking view of what your hometown damage would be, if it happened to be hit with a thermonuclear weapon.

    Nuclear Blast Mapper

    Click on the picture for a larger version

  • 14. ODDS AND ENDS - links that haven't been assigned anywhere else.

    Word processing in Japanese

    NeoCor Web
    Kanji word processing - Japanese on the Internet, Japanese software.
    NJSTAR Software Corp.
    The Apropos Customer Service Page
    Welcome to Kureo Technology
    Clip Art Treasures, May 1998 - Web Clip Art
    Sasuga Japanese Bookstore You are visitor Number

    If You like, you can e-mail me at

    Ganbatte kudasai. Michael J. Peterson Post a Message in My Message Board! Sign Guestbook View Guestbook