last updated was feb 6, 1999. i think it's best if u view it with netscape cuz then i used netscape to do the page. i found out that there's a little difference if u use another browser. so if u are using other browsers and found something not lined up rite, well, sorry about that. it's barely done so i guess there's nothing that great on it, but keep checking. i'll try to throw in everything that interests me. this page is mostly on things that i like, so everything is very random. just look around and see if anything you like! ~ ^_^ ~

ENTER the forever friends zone this way    

~below are other interesting things i did about. they have nothing to do with forever friends, but then i just want to throw it in anyway.~

the south park guys...ENTER here to meet the coolest guys in town

Matsu Takako...ENTER here to see the prettiest japanese singer

Sammi Cheng...ENTER here to find out something about sammi

Prelude, Integra and more...ENTER here to see my dream cars

*well, after u looked around, feel free to put in any comment. i need your opinion on wut else to put here. i need something to READ rather than having everything just to SEE. so i gotta give me some idea.*

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