September 17, 2000

What's this? I'm actually... updating? Well, I've decided to close the site for awhile. BUT! This is because I'm going to work on a new layout. Basically, I'm going to revamp every section of the USMS. On September 6, this place turned 3. I can't believe it totally slipped my mind at the time... ^^;;. Anyway, since I know I won't revamp and update all together, I'm gonna close until reconstruction is finished. Yes, I will still be taking award applies, in case you were wondering. The USMS is gonna be alive forever, so I will reopen. I plan for the new look to be complete in November 2000, so E-mail me and nag if I get behind. BTW, you can still view the old version of the USMS here. Thanks guys, and I will [hopefully] see you in November!

ICQ: 13848379
AIM: CityChica1717