Welcome to my Web site!
Hi! My GeoCities name is "Kourinsu" (the Japanese form of my last name). Most people call me Jay.
I have no idea how you found me, but now that you're here, have a look around.
You may find links to something which will appeal to you!
That's me on the left, putting together my first cedar-strip/epoxy canoe - Ted Moore's "Redbird" design.

It's the one on the cover of his "Canoecraft" book, pictured at the bottom of this page. It paddles like a dream! See my outdoors links for typical construction pictures.
My personal interests are: martial arts, music (mostly folk), religion, A-life, the outdoors.
I teach and write software for a living these days. My personal favourite programming language is C. What can I say - absolute power corrupts absolutely! Beats playing in a Java sandbox (but that's fun, too!)
Here's a sample of the animated gifs I'm working on. This one is for the Shotokan karate kata Tekki Shodan.
Please come back soon and visit. If you like, you can send me a note at: kourinsu@geocities.com
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