Konichi wa / Hello

Welcome to TechnoBard's lair.

Take off your shoes and stay awhile.

On my page, you will find an overview of Judokai Kan Ju Jutsu. I will also display some original poetry for your reading pleasure. You will also find some great links to the pages of Herbalists and Naturopathic Healers. So relax, enjoy your tea and have fun.

Judokai is a modern version of Ju Jutsu. It is one of the oldest martial arts in Japan. The father of Karate, Judo and Aikido; JUDOKAI is a complete self-defence system which is adapted to our modern society and taught by qualified instructors holding black belt rank.

For more reference on this, visit Michael DePasquale's Home Page. or Sensei Hetherington's Home Page


Death's Sorrow

Through the sands of time, I move silent and horrible.
Most men seek to elude me, yet they know
There is no escape, for I shall catch them.
I can move silent as the gentle breeze
or attach with the roar of angry thunder.
Forever I shall be all that I am!
For no man wants to lift this mantle from my brow!
And I suffer in torment eternal,
Never resting, always hunting.
Only a few have escaped my clutches.
My record is nearly unblemished.
Throughout the timeless age, I have been;
For ages, I may be.
I ride a pale horse and friend to pestilence and war am I.
I am driven, through no fault of my own,
to follow wherever sorrow leads.
I am Death, and I weep!

Herbalism, Holistic and Homeopathic Links:

Algy's Herbs - a wonderful site devoted to all aspects of herbs from herbal remedies, culinary uses and organic gardening to recipes and discussions. Also home of the world's largest seed catalog.

Ancient Healing Arts - an interesting and nicely designed site focusing on aromatherapy and essential oils.

Homeopathy Home Page - a central jumping off point for information on homeopathy and other complementary medicine resources.

Mother Nature's General Store - an excellent health site with information, products, health library, chat room and more.

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Last updated August 24th, 1997