Welcome to Serenity's Palace
Konnichiwa!! Well, I've finally gotten around to doing a huge update to the fan art section, but there's still more art that needs to go up. My wrists hurt though from all the htmling and writing of letters so I think I'm going to stop for today. ^_^; Also, I'd like to ask that if you're going to send artwork please make it either a jpg or gif, it's really a pain to have to convert over 12 bmp images ;.; I'm also thinking of starting a bbs for this page, and perhaps an irc channel for you all to talk in as well, if you guys like the idea, and you want to meet some of the artists, or if you artists would like to chat away with other artists and such then let me know what you think of the idea. In the meantime I have a temporary IRC channel on Dal Net called #RazGarden that you all can use for now. For those of you who need help going onto irc then just click here and you'll be able to get the software and directions neccessary to get on. ^_^ I hope to see you all there, and if you need anything just give me a holler at the email address on the bottom. ^_^
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th Senshi Supporter to view my page since June 8,1997:)
*Last updated on July 8, 2000*
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First I would like to thank the following people for helping
me in some way Richard Roe
, who made my adorable little Luna icon,
who created my new beautiful banner for me,
Lyta who created the
transparent manga gifs, and Zoe Tsukino
who scanned some of the pictures on these pages:). This background can be found
at Texture Land,
various other icons on this page are from the
Icon Bazaar, and the rest of
pictures on this page are from other sites on the web:)
*Tiny disclaimer: Sailor Moon and all all related characters
are copyrighted to Naoko Takeuchi, Toei animation, DIC, and
varios other important people. Blah Blah Blah.
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