Princess Sasami's Teleportation Chamber
Princess Sasami's Teleportation Chamber
Hello, and welcome to my Teleportation Chambers! This is like a big recommended link page, so PLEASE come back soon!
As promised, this site will be going down soon. My new site is up on the net *somewhere*, I haven't officially launched it though. But I don't know if I'll link it from here. However, if you are obsessed with me and really want a link for a life-or-death sake, e-mail me and we'll talk. ^_- Either way, thanks for visiting, this page has been a fun one. Ja.
My Stuff
All this in this section is made by me, or me and a friend.. enjoy! =)
Anime Fanfiction
Anime Voting Results!! *5/9/98*
Anime Voting Results!!! *7/23/98*
Anime Voting Results as of *12/05/98*
Angelic Seashore - A Tribute to Nagisa Kaworu
Gohan's Beach Party
Belldandy's Anime Archive
Christina's Page
Skuld's Debugging Office
Jay's Page
Perfect Grade Evangelion
Neo Neon Genesis Evangelion Page
Gally's Fanfic Page
A Humble Kaworu Shrine
The Best of Anime- Voting!
NERV Headquarters - The Revolution
Zelgadiss No Miko's Zelgadiss Page!
You are the
to teleport into my Chambers! Thanks, and come again!
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I messed my midi HTML up ^^;
Special Thanks to:
Christina for letting me use her background! Thanks Christina!!!
Alicia for helping me and listening to me whine!! Thanks Alicia!!! -(tifaicon.gif is from Alicia's Website. Take and die.)-
Anime Web Turnpike
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To Geocities for the page!