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Moon Star

Out of all the Sailor Moon sites located on the Internet (all 2,000,000 and growing) maybe you haven't yet seen one dedicated to friends on the Internet who are Moonies.
This is probably the only site which only uses manga images of Serena---with the exception of a few rare pictures dug up. So here is the best of them all known as Moon Star.
So please, just sit back and relax, enjoy the music and the site. . .

* . . .A shooting star falls into the room, Sailor Moon Star emerges from the Star dust as the pink-silver glitter falls around her. In her Princess form, she sends her moon star back to the moon on a star-dust moon beam, where it is protected until she needs it again. . .*

"Hello my friends, I am Sailor Moon Star. I am from a parallel universe, so I guess you could say I am Sailor Moon's twin from another place. When I am not fighting evil, I am mainly chatting in the Anime Chat and Pretty Solider Sailor Moon Chat of WBS (which you have to join before you can chat, but hey--it's free!!!) but I'm not always a Sailor Scout, I am known as Cataluna1 meaning "Cat Of The Moon" and many other akas. So if you join, and see me on, please tell me how you liked my pages!"

"So what will you find here? Well seeming I am your guide for this site, I have provided you with a list of links"

*. . .She hands you over a piece of folded paper which you unfold to read. . .*


  • Kawaii Friends
  • The Power Of The Moon Star
  • Star Bright Rings

    *. . .Telling her where you want to visit, she summons her star from the moon and takes you there. . .*

    e-mail E-mail Sailor Moon Star.

    You are now number to fly across the sky with Sailor Moon Star.
    Okay so now you've blown away the dust from the guestbook, you can Sign it or View it.

    moon star your first PLACE for ANIME

    Otaku! Anime Directory


    Hey if you wanna have feel the power of the moon for free go to: and sign up!
    ntsc1* DISCLAIMER: Moon Star supports Sailor Moon's creater "Takeuchi Naoko" and all associated companies like DiC, Bandai and others, so please don't sue me for the graphics used. . . *