Series In My Life - An Alternative
Universe, where every curse, wackyness, fiancée
& the likes, which makes the Ranmaverse so
popular, is not present. Or is it?

Pilot Episode
finally buys a place he'll soon turn into a martial
arts dojo. Ranma and his sister, Ukyou, try to
prepare to enter a new school and meet some new
friends. Meanwhile, Ryoga, Cologne and Shampoo
finally arrives from China.
"A Breath of Fresh
Air" Episode One
Ukyou, Ryoga and Shampoo finally attends school but
is met by some hostility. Gosunkugi is somehow
relieved to see the new students of Furinkan High.
Akane takes particular interest in one of them.
Nabiki, on the other hand, deals with the rumors
going around about her sister and her boyfriend.
"Lost and
Found" Episode Two
and Akane finally gets introduced to each other and
both agree to meet for some school work. Shinnosuke
and Mousse arrives from Ryugenzawa while the Saotome
dojo is finally ready. Meanwhile Kasumi gets worried
about some guest coming for dinner.
"A Past
Revisited" Episode Three
Kimiko invites
her best friend to dinner at the Tendo dojo. But,
Ranma dissapoints his mother since he had other plans
for that night. Instead, its Ukyou and Shampoo that
gets to go. And, before the evening ends, the two
mothers reveal their plans for the union of their two
Episode Four
night is filled with surprises for everyone at the
Tendo dojo, including Ranma. He thought it was going
to be a night to end a school problem, turned out, it
was a night of starting some personal troubles.

A Whisper, A Hope -
Episode Five
and Shampoo find some time to share stories under the
hot Nerima sun. While Ukyou, Ryouga and Ranma are
invited over at Nabiki's Blue Flame office for a on
the spot interview.
Son He Never Was
Ranma's fight with Mousse, Ranma's mother
accidentally got in between them. Unfortunately she
was wounded by on of Mousse's hidden weapons.
Fortunately she wasn't fatally wounded, but would
need an important surgery. In the course of finding a
donor for her, Ranma is told that he is possibly not
Nodoka's son after all.
another place, Keiichi is stunned to learn that they
have to take an unplanned trip to Nerima.

and Urd are in Nerima, saving Nodoka's life and
apparently their own as well.
spamfic - What happens when all of the
characters in the animes I cover have a party? Chaos
and humor at its finest.
Short Silly 1 -
Keiichi is asked by Belldandy to pose for a painting
she intends to put in an exhibit. Unfortunately for
him, it's quite a revealing pose.

Silly 2 -
Belldandy picks up a new hobby, Photography. And for
Keiichi, his future doesn't look good. Especially if
the goddess Skuld is up to her usual mind games
A Shout in the
Darkness -
Keiichi's been doing some planning, and Belldandy is
intrigued by it. Little does she know that Keiichi's
thinking farther ahead into their future.
M.F.E.O. -
Skuld is having some soul searching, not really
realizing what she was meant for, at the moment.

Daybreak - When Belldandy asked
to be with Keiichi, Kamisama granted her wish. Though
no longer a goddess, she is enjoying the fruits of
being mortal and happily in love and married with her
Falling...Two Hearts at the End
of Spring - What if Keiichi leaves
Belldandy for the right reason?
In Mind and Body - Ranma and Ryoga
accidentally exchange bodies. What a mixup!

One Day More - Ranma's little
reading assignment makes him realize certain things
about his relationship with Akane.
The Proposal - Ranma (and Ryoga) use
hypnotism to erase certain memories that their wives
shouldn't remember.
Butter Cup - It's Ranma's birthday
and Akane bakes a cake for him. But while waiting for
it to bake, they start fighting. But soon they
realize what is more important for them.
Martial Artists - A proposed retelling of the
classic Akira Kurosawa tale of seven warriors, Ranma
Silly - Ranma and Akane
finds it difficult to tell the other that they love
him or her. So they go compete with each other in
such silly games, in which the loser admits his or
true feelings.

Part 1 - They
do a silly 'who blinks first loses' contest
Part 2 - This
time they try a 'no sleeping' contest
Part 3 - They
try to compare 'baby' pictures this time
Part 4 -
Ranma wakes up one morning gagged and tied up in bed.
Later, he learns he's the prize in a contest planned
by Nabiki and Kasumi. Shampoo, Ukyou, Akane, Kodachi
and Tatewaki Kuno are the contestants and in the end,
it all comes down to the last question to decide the

Part 5 - It's a night of
playing cards, and a morning full of them.
200 - When it's time to answer
life's most intriguing questions.
Koi Pond - (Prologue) When Happosai
taints the Koi pond with his Instant Jusenkyo Cursed
Pool potion, Ranma and the rest of the family is in
for their worst nightmare.
Rain on the Window Pane - Nabiki relaxes a
bit, and then finally relieved seeing the rain.
Too Soon - Ranma finally comes back to
the Tendo dojo, and soon discovers what he had left
behind still loves him.
- Nabiki plays her best on the two hapless couple.
Vanished - It
had been fifteen years since the day Ranma ran away
from the dojo. Akane was coming home, being away all
that time hoping to forget about her first love. Its
the first time she's coming back home, and she's
going to be reunited with her old friends. She did,
however, came with some surprises for everyone.
short comical situation between Ranma and Akane, and
what ever WAFF means.
Wishes - What
happens when people start asking about copyrights,
and stuff like that?
The Tale of Ranma
and Akane Chain
1. A Night
to Remember
2. Forgotten
3. Apologies
and Promises
4. Cousin
5. Disappearance
1. A
Bouquet and a Flower
2. Loose
3. Akane
cooks Okonomiyaki
4. The
Long Wait
5. Time
Fanfic Series
1. A
Midnight Harmony
2. Truth
or Death
3. Death
by Spatula
Forever - Nabiki
discovers she's engaged to an old friend, an
arrangement by her mother, but it turns out that the
guy is Kasumi's childhood crush, and first love. What
is she suppose to do? (127 Kb)

the Looking Glass
is accidentally split into multiples of herself, just
when she and Ranma was about to go on their first
real romantic date. She then comes up with a plan
that'll take advantage of her present situation. With
six Akanes running around in Nerima, each with her
own mission to fullfil to be able to make her date
with her fiancé to finally push through without any
hitch or hindrance from the other fiancées.
Ranma's point of view
Akane's point of view
Cruelty of Truth
an act of desperation, Cologne cursed Akane so that
she won't be able to bear any children. Being married
to Ranma, Akane is torn up by her predicament.
Fortunately, Shampoo helps Akane to at least bear
girls, but that only solves half of her problem. In
the end, it might take Ranma himself to be able to
bear a succesor.
Cutting Edge
made fun of Akane's cooking again, but this time her
takes it upon himself to teach his fiancée to
finally learn how to cook.