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Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki & Universe.
~No Need For Tenchi~

Tenchi is a typical teenage boy, fascinated by his grandfather's stories of the demons and monsters which inhabit the land around their country home, but mainly focused on school and keeping up a house for himself and a disorganized bachelor father. But life is about to turn very atypical for Tenchi, when he finds his granfather's stories have substance and legends can come to life. Of course, legends - and even demons - aren't always what you think they'll be, especially when they have a crush on you.

Tenchi currently has two different video collections available in the US, the OAV's, known as "Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki" and the first TV series called "Tenchi Universe" Universe is split into two parts, the first being "Tenchi on Earth" the second being "Tenchi in Space."
So far the entire Universe collection is not yet available on the US market, but they are seeming to come out every other month or so... in my collection I am up to vol. 6 which has episodes 17-19.

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Midi is opening from Shin Tenchi Muyo! TV 2.

I know Sailor Moon is far fromTenchi related, but it's a cool anime series that people should look into.