A Non-Profit Organization

14783 Rossini, Detroit, MI 48205
Phone: (313) 245-1304, Fax: (313) 371-5988, Email: hmongcommunity@geocities.com

Mission Statement

The mission of The Lao-Hmong Community, Inc. is to provide mutual benefits to its members who seek to preserve their cultural heritage and identity while developing their new life in the United States of America.


This year the Hmong Community Inc.of Detroit along with the Tri-City Hmong Association of Saginaw, and the Hmong American Community of Lansing will joinly host the Hmong traditional new year celebration at Novi Expo Center at Novi, Michigan. It will be the first join effort among the Hmong of Michigan to participate in one big celebration. The event will be BIG!
We are seeking potential organizations and individuals to sponsor the event.
Donation and sponsor the New Year make check payable to Hmong Community (New Year Committee) and Mail to Hmong Community, Inc. 14783 Rossini. Detroit, MI 48205 Office phone: 313-245-1304

Sponsor: $500.00 Co-sponsor: $250.00 Patron: $100.00 Donation: any amount

Please pledge no later than November 15, 1998
All sponsor and donation are tax deductible. Hmong Community, Inc. is a non-profit organization


Last Update, October 18, 1998.
Please send comments/suggestions to Webmaster at: xkue@sun.science.wayne.edu