welcome to procrastinationdom. max your window for best viewing results. it's taken me three years to put this thing together, and it's not even done yet. but never fear...i sense that i have many more years with which to procrastinate.

Last Update: 9/10/2001

You're visitor number Counter of this site since the end of march 2001!!! Aren't you proud?? Of course.

i got an online blog journal to babble in. ;) come on, i couldn't resist...i like talking to myself! ...yeah. so if you're bored, feel free to visit. and no snide remarks please...i mean..it's just harmless babbling. check out the "thoughts" section....

please check my "what's new" page for updates if you haven't already.

the above fake-image-map thing has a total of twelve (12 in case you can't read the word) links in it. to find them, run your mouse pointer over the images and you'll see different descriptions pop up on the bottom of your window where it usually says "contacting server", etc. the links include:
*the main daisyrain page
*girl power ;)
*the great outdoors
*world of sap
*work and school
*what's new?
*quotes and thoughts
*stuff about friends
*anime/manga interests ^-^
(this is in case you can't find all of them at first...so you know how many there are to look for =)

yes, as if you didn't have enough problems to deal with, the girl has to give you a fake image map to plow through. such is life. anyway, gomen if it takes an eternity and a half to load, and try to enjoy.

NOTE:my anime/manga page is under continual construction. the links should all work, but some of the pages aren't entirely complete. also, my email address is either jchenjen@uclink.berkeley.edu or happydaisy@mostlysunny.com. the daisyrain@hotmail.com address doesn't work anymore (haven't used it in many moons), and i just realized that i have it on a lot of these pages...i'll try to change them all, but that might take a while, so just letting you know. =)

oh yes...
please, please, PLEASE sign my guestbook you guys!! [it looks really pathetic. there've been..like..15 people to sign it since the beginning of time]

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