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times since 1997-06-21.
Hi, and welcome to Rat-U-Like's Alcove on the world-wide web. Please excuse the mess, as I've only just moved in. (Well actually I moved in some time ago, but I'm a very untidy person! ^_^ )
My main interests are anime (Japanese animation) and anything Japanese. I'm also quite fond of Hong Kong movies.
In the space I have on this server (thanks GeoCities!), I am featuring the following:
Peter Evans' translation of a Japanese "all you wanted to know about" type book, HTML-ified as a multi-part, semi-hypertext document by me. If you don't know what Tenchi Muyo is, and have no interest in anime, you probably won't be interested in this, in fact you might as well go straight on to the Far-East Asian lady, but otherwise these questions and answers are based on the first OAV series and make interesting reading. I also have an original plain text version (67K).
A selection of animated start-up screens and non-animated shut-down screens constructed by me from various anime-related pictures found on the Internet. I'm also planning to write a construction guide for these things, but haven't got around to it yet. The page also has links to other sites where other anime-related start-up/shutdown screens can be found.
A different image of a nice-looking Far-East Asian model every week (hopefully) with a couple of previous weeks' thrown in for good measure. This used to be 'Cute Japanese Lady of the Week', but I want to feature some non-Japanese beauties too. N.B. As per GeoCities content guidelines, there is no nudity in these images. These are pictures found on the Internet and generally scanned by BlueBird, JoScans, NightOwl or Boo. There are many sites with many more similar images than mine, and I will link to some of these from my lady of the week page. I hope you will enjoy looking at them as much as I have.
Sexy Japanese models dressed as your favourite anime characters.
The faces behind the squeeky voices.
... When I get around to it. Some relevent links can be found on my Far-East Asian lady page and my Start-up/Shutdown screens page.
My real name is Ian James Abbott and I generally use the e-mail address when posting to Usenet or for private correspondence (don't send me large binaries!). I can also be reached on my FREE GeoCities e-mail account, but that no longer seems to work :-(. Follow the link at the bottom of the page to find out how you can get one too, along with a free home page.