Voltron: Defender of the Universe From days of long ago... From uncharted regions of the universe... Comes a legend... The legend of Voltron: Defender of the Universe... A mighty robot... Loved by good... Feared by evil... As Voltrons legend grew, peace settled across the galaxy... On planet Earth a Galaxy Alliance was formed.. Together with the good planets of the Solar System they maintained peace throughout the universe... Until a horrible menace threatend the galaxy... Voltron was needed once more... This is the story of the super force of Space Explorers... Specially trained and sent by the alliance to bring back....

Voltron: Defender of the Universe

Welcome to my completely Voltron page. If you haven't already guessed this page is dedicated to my favorite cartoon of all time... Voltron!! Here you can browse through pictures of Voltron in action, learn about the Voltron Force and find out about the Voltron Toys!! Enjoy!!


New Voltron toys are out, they are made by Trendmasters. The line includes Kieth, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, and Princess Allura all in their Voltron: The Third Demension garb also featured is a mangled Prince Lotor. The Lions are sold seperatly or as a boxed set, but sadly this plastic set doesn't quite live up to its diecast predecessor. Voltron: The Third Demension is out now. Check here to see what channel it is on near you!!

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Thanks to Voltron Central for the background.

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