All Of My Wonderful Cute Pix Of Taiki!
(and some not so wonderful or cute ones too)
(oh yea... there's some group shots in here too....)

Kay here it is! All the pix and screencaps of Taiki that I could find and snitch from here and there. Hope ya enjoy them. I've put several hours into looking for the best of the best (then I stopped looking for the best when I realized that pix of Taiki were few and far between and just took what I could get....)

By the way, all apologies to everyplace that I snitched these pix from. I'd give credit where credit is due... If I could just remember where I got half of these... I'm serious! I went on my pic hunt not planing on making an image gallery... so when I decided to put them up I couldn't remember where they had come from.... a very small number -taiki20 to taiki30, taiki063, taiki071 & taiki072- were made by me from copying frames out of video clips I had found... that's why they look so bad... but the rest were found here and there.... One place I actualy remember getting some from was Sailormoon Screenshots R... at least I think that was the title of it.... oh well... that's the right URL for it anyways... And I got a few others at Some Page With A Bunch Of SailorStars Summaries on It... It was all in Japanese... you expect me to know the name!? And I found yet more at Sailor Starlight Headquarters Anyways once again... all apologies... but otherwise, enjoy!

The Battle/Private cards (well, prism stickers) in one picture

Starmaker and Starhealer with weird looks on their faces

Taiki standing around looking pissed off while Yaten yells about something (as usual)

Taiki standing around in the background while Yaten looks bored about something

Okay, I'm not entirely sure... but I think that's Taiki working on the computer in the background there

Taiki's Private card

....and to go with it the Battle one too

Some card or another with Starmaker on it

And yet another card with Starmaker on it

Taiki with a lovely pink ribbon on his head.... (I believe that the "don't ask" is implied)

Taiki in a suit (*sigh* he's such a snazzy dresser) looking pissed off about something....

Taiki after Seiya decked him.... Ooohh... he's got a bruise! This is why I always put Seiya through all the worst stuff in my fics! He deserves it! He's just so mean!

Minako and Taiki in a kinda dreamy love type sequence. (*sigh* replace Minako with me and I'd be happy.... uh... not that I'm into cartoon guys or anything... ahem... moving on....)

Starmaker all beat up and shocked looking

Starfighter and Starmaker, just standing there....

Taiki in his suit, looking pissed off again

Sailor Starmaker doing her speech (or a speech at least)

Taiki sweatdropping (probably cause Minako's hanging off of him)

Taiki looking pissed off (probably cause Minako's following him around.... Are you sensing a pattern here?)

Taiki in sunglasses

Taiki looking... well... goofy (this is what I mean when I say they're not all wonderful and cute)

He's looking pissed off again (but this time Minako's not involved, it's Makoto he's glaring at this time around

A really cute card ^_^;

Starmaker lookin'... well... kinda ugly.... but still...

Yes, another card with Starmaker on it.

Half of Starmaker's face, from when they were having harsh words with the Outer Senshi

Starmaker yelling, from when she was blasting Galaxia. And her hair's all messed up... I just LOVE the way her hair looks like that it's kewel!

Starmaker (and actually a teeny bit of Starfighter too) from when they were blasting Galaxia

Taiki yelling his transformation thing (magic words? what would you call them? really!)

Starmaker with her eyes closed (from the middle of the first transformation)

....and with her eyes open a couple seconds later

The post transformation pose

....and the post intro speech pose

A close up of Starmaker's eyes from one of the transformations (I just luv her eyes!)

Taiki yelling his transformation thing from the start of his second transformation sequence

Another close up of Starmaker's eyes...

Taiki and Seiya lurking in the shadows

Taiki and Yaten watching Seiya play the drums with bored looks on their faces

Taiki singing during the final concert

Another one from the final concert

Yet another.... hmm... this one doesn't look quite as good as the last two.... But he's just singin' his little heart out

Starmaker's eye.... (gotta love it!)

Starmaker just kinda standing there looking goofy

Mid attack

Another attack one

A manga picture (as screwed up as ever)

Taiki and Ami.... a really lousy picture...

Taiki walking away (I told you it was hard to find good pix of him!)

The back of Taiki's head while he's talking to Seiya

Starmaker and Starhealer standing back to back

Taiki and Yaten standing around

Another card with Starmaker on it

Taiki and Ami holding some cards (if they're playing a game I bet he's cheating!)

Taiki looking... like a really big sissy. I'm sorry but there's no other way to describe it (forgive me!)

Starmaker (with her hair all messed up... ha HA!) and Starhealer looking at some sort of bright light

Starmaker (with the messy 'do that I luv) and Starhealer (who's looking cutely determined... I'm sorry but there's no other way to describe that look.... on someone that little it's cutely determined)

A really bizarre looking group shot. Starmaker's like, freaking out!

Taiki and Yaten relaxing on the movie set.... Jumping around in those little rubber suits must be hard work....

Taiki and Yaten.... I think its the first time they show up at Juuban High.... Heh... Taiki looks like he's got a buzz cut....

You can hardly see him... but he's in there. Hiding behind Makoto....

Taiki, Ami, and that crazy looking scientist/teacher guy....

That scientist/teacher guy, and Taiki looking at him really pissed off....

Taiki and Ami in the rain... At least I think it's raining.... It looks like it's raining.... I know it was raining at some moment in that episode....

Taiki and Ami.... and a telescope...

Taiki in a greenhouse

Taiki doing that freaky thing with the roses....

Don't ask! I haven't got a clue. It just looks strange.... Cute. But strange....

Allright! So she's hard to see here. But if you look closely you'll see Starmaker right behind Sailor Moon....

Once again... it's Taiki singin' his little heart out

An' he's visiting a little girl in the hospital.... what a sweetie (-_^)

In the spotlight

Sitting on a bench with Ami looking at him.

Looking... kinda goofy.... There is something very wrong with the shape of his head....

The Starlights standing around looking truely pissed off about something (I luv it!)

Starmaker carrying an unconcious Seiya around

The Three Lights standing around in their cop outfits... hmm... I luv a man in uniform....

Believe it or not, it's a group shot where Taiki is actualy out front, and not showing off his back or anything....

Starmaker looking strong and tall (really tall next to Starhealer) and pissed off about something...

Starmaker looking shocked about something, from one of the last few episodes since her hair's all messed up and it looks like she's been severely beaten

Once again, Starmaker from one of the last few episodes.... looking.... expressionless...

Another one from around the end.... It looks like she's crying....

A scan from one of the artbooks.... I luv it... It's not even scary or anything

Starmaker looking shocked again... She's kinda got this 'deer in the headlights' look going.... (this is the one I used to make my background)

Taiki looking pissed off stuck in the middle of a group of screaming girls

The back of Taiki's head while he's talking to Usagi (there are so many pictures of his back out there....)

Taiki visiting that little girl in the hospital again... (he is just so sweet! I luv him!)

Starmaker, in the middle of one of her attack sequences

A cute little super deformed card of the Starlights

The Three Lights in their swimsuits....

Go Go Power Rangers!! ahem... well... you get the idea....

Starmaker holding Starfighter back.... they're all so skinny looking here it's funny....

The Starlights getting the crap kicked out of them by Galaxia

Taiki and Yaten holding Seiya up

A kinda weirdly indescribeable one of the Starlights just standing around....

Taiki after getting decked by Seiya (again... but different.... and I can't see why anyone could like Seiya... especialy when he does things like that!)

Well you see it's... well it's kinda... well the Three Lights are there and.... Oh it's just weird! And I have no idea as to how to put it in words

An absolutely bizzare one of the Starlights looking like... well... looking like their little leather shorts are riding up on them (I'm sorry but that's exactly what that expression says to me!)

Three Lights final concert... nuff said!

One of my most favoriate pix of the Three Lights... you must look at it.... You must!

Another cute super deformed picture. It's absolutely adorable!

And yet another super deformed card

Da boys standing around looking rather athletic

Starmaker standing around looking shocked in some sort of a bright light

Taiki and Yaten lurking around in the shadows looking like they're up to no good

From the second transformation sequence (with no shirt ^_^)

Once again, from the second transformation, sans shirt.

Taiki and Yaten lurking in a doorway.

The Three Lights, from when they were practicing for that little musical or something. Kindly donated by Adara

Sailor Starmaker and Sailor Jupiter running. Donated by Minako-chan

The Sailor Starlights gathered around Princess Kakyuu as she dies

Sailor Starmaker reflected in Princess Kakyuu's eye as she dies

An animated GIF of Taiki's transformation sequence

The Starlights standing back to back

An absolutely beautiful fan art of Taiki by Sonia St-Germain

The, without a doubt, absolutely most kawaii picture of Taiki I've ever seen ^_^

An' that is all of my grand collection thus far so let's go back to The Pity Shrine to Taiki Kou

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