Hi, you've reached Sana Margaret's Home. I'm not here :) but please take a look around my Nakago Shrine. Enjoy!!!

I did neglect to say that I am still in the process of creating my shrine, and it's taking me a little longer than I thought it would. So don't complain _too_ much about the unfinished-ness of my shrine.

There are spoilers of a sort, so if you haven't finished watching Fushigi Yuugi the TV series, you might not want to look around very much.

First step into insanity (The Nakago Shrine)

Second step into insanity (The Kisses of Nakago)

Third step into insanity (The Hall of Fame)

Last step into insanity (Roaming pages)

Comments, critiques, babbling, all acceptable and wanted at sana_margaret@geocities.com Thanks!!!
Nakago-sama's Nakago Fan Club
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