This page is dedicated to the spreading of Buddhism.

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Shurangama Mantra
Heart Sutra
The Buddha speaks of Amitabha Sutra
Eighty-eight Buddhas Repentance Sutra
Compassion Mantra
Great Transference of Merit
Transforming True Words
The Meal Offering before the Buddhas
Incense Praise
Verse for Tranfering of Merit
Praise to Medicine Master Buddha
The Three Refuge
Bowing to the Patriach
The Dharma of Repentance of The Great Compassion
with a Thousand Hands and a Thousand Eyes

10 Small Mantras

As-You-Will Jewel King Dharani Mantra
Disaster Eradicating Mantra
Meritorious Virtue Mantra
Jwun Ti Mantra
The Resolute Light King Dharani of Holy Limitless Life
Medicine Master's True Words for Anointing the Crown
Gwan Yin's Efficacious True Words
The True Words of Seven Buddhas for Eradicating Offenses
Spirit Mantra for Rebirth in the Pure Land
Good Goddess Mantra

Links to mantras and sutras

Diamond Sutra
Shurangama Sutra Draft English Translation
Householder Sutta Buddhism for layperson
Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra

Buddhist Links

Dharma Realm Buddhist Association
Study of Buddhism - Ron Epstein

Creation date: June 12, 1998
Last modified: March 6, 2006

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