[Inactive] Okay, don't hold it against Silhouette Chord to pick a completely unoriginal codename. SILHOUETTE was an interesting part of the New Warriors. Some say she was the backbone of the team...other say she was useless--you be the judge! So, Sil and Dwayne were a couple, right? How many times did you see them kiss ( as compared to the other couples in the book)? I can't remember a single time...Anyhow, she has since run off with Dwayne's step-brother, and hasn't showed up since issue #51.
[Inactive] Elvin Haliday is the backwards Warrior. Unlike Justice and Firestar who went from Warriors to Avengers, RAGE went from being an Avenger to being a Warrior. Anyway, Rage has dealt with his rage, and now he is taking time away from the team. He is actually going to private school now (he's really young, remember?)
Click on the picture above, and you will find TEAM SHOTS of everyone's famous Marvel heroes and heroines. Some are gathered from around the net...if I remembered where I got them, I would give everyone the proper credit. But, I don't so get over it. Others are exclusive (hopefully) to this site, and I have scanned those myself.
New Warriors Villians Gallery!. Click here to visit the bad guy page.
You are Warrior number
to stumble into the Crash-Pad.
Click on the banner below to go to another AMAZING New Warriors webpage!
You learned to do it in kindergarden, so do it here too! Share your thoughts and ideas about my page with me.