Sailor Moon: Another Story

オポシティオ戦士 | Oppositio Senshi | Opposite Senshi | Opposito Senshi | Opposition Senshi

Welcome to the Oppositio Senshi Resource.
On this page you will find a collection of official art and links to music, fan art, fan fiction, and information on Oppositio Senshi (also known as the Opposite Senshi or Opposito Senshi) and Sailor Moon: Another Story.

If you have not played Sailor Moon: Another Story I suggest you first go to Fantasy Anime.

People other than myself have made all the content on this page. Credit has been given to those who sent me links. If you have anything about the Oppositio Senshi or Sailor Moon: Another Story, please send it to:
monfriez.sprite [@@at@@] gmail [] com
or leave a comment in the guestbook.
It helps keep this page alive.

A big thanks to an anonymous contributor from the GameFAQs forums who scanned the manual art for me in 2003, which lead me to make this page.

Updated: December 01, 2008 - an unexpected fan-art update thanks to deviantART

Welcome, Guest
[Sign the Guestbook, View the Guestbook]

Official Art

Official game art from the guidebook, scanned by Ian Andreas Miller of DIES GAUDII.
Anshar and Sin
Anshar and Sin
544x503 (64 KB)
Kishar and Apsu
Kishar and Apsu
520x758 (89 KB)
Nabu, Nergal, Marduk, and Ishtar
Nabu, Nergal, Marduk, and Ishtar
540x816 (111 KB)

A translation of the guidebook, made available by Jay.

Photo Gallery

Fantasy Anime: Sailor Moon RPG
has bigger copies of all these pictures.

Featured Links

Fantasy Anime
This site is a great resource for anime and non-anime RPGs. Anyone who has not played this Sailor Moon video game should go here first. You can find music, scans, maps, and other downloads.

oppositio solidus//a sailormoon:as-based story-writing community {v3}
You can role-play as a new generation of Oppositio Senshi. Now complete and accepting applications.
Also there is an awesome art gallery and a cool Wiki with music!
Jen provided this link. Thank you.

A review and samples of Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon - Another Story Music Collection, including the Opposite Soldier theme music. "Note: You must have RealPlayer to listen to the music samples."
MORE ?: Some music from Sailor Moon: Another Story that was not on this CD can be found on the other game soundtracks: Sailormoon Game Music and Sailormoon R Game Music.

The Shyguy Kingdom
There you can find a variety of Sailor Moon sprites including a complete collection of sprite sheets from Sailor Moon: Another Story.
(If Bandwidth Limit Exceeded try Fantasy Anime: Sailor Moon RPG. Some of the RPG sprite sheets are there too.)

Crystal Tokyo Revisited
The Sailormoon: Another Story Fanlisting.

Which Opposito Senshi Are You?
A personality quiz on Quizilla. Emilie provided this link. Thank you.

Fan Art

Group Pictures
Breeze (Sin and Anshar) by ZahhoMii
A new Naruto Gang (the Opposite Senshi) by Twilight-Rion [NEW]

Sailor Sin by RainbowMoon
Opposite Sin by chanchan
Sin by HikaruTheRed
Chibi Sin found on this [now dead] Japanese OekakiBBS. I have no idea who the artist is.
Sin by Chronomorphosis [NEW]

Nabu by HikaruTheRed
Nabu by Chronomorphosis [NEW]

Sailor Nergal by RainbowMoon
Nergal by HikaruTheRed
Nergal, Hellfire by tifalonia Ian Andreas Miller provided this link. Thank you.
Nergal by Chronomorphosis [NEW]

Marduk Opposito Jupiter by Laurie Carroll
Marduk by HikaruTheRed
Marduk by Chronomorphosis [NEW]

Ishtar by HikaruTheRed
Sailor venus vs Ish- by LalaBunny
Ishtar, Oppositio Senshi by tifalonia Ian Andreas Miller provided this link. Thank you.
Ishtar by Chronomorphosis [NEW]
Ishtar by kousagi [NEW]

Anshar by Chronomorphosis [NEW]

Kishar (Kishal in the translation by Bishoujo Senshi Translations.)

Devils Shaman Apsu FOR OS by Jen
Apsu by Chronomorphosis [NEW]

Original Characters
Sailor Shamash - The opposite Sun by RainbowMoon
Sailor Ninlil by RainbowMoon
Shamash Character Design by Jen Jen provided this link. Thank you for the drawing.
You can find more awesome Original Character art at the Oppositio Solidus art gallery .

Dollz, Cartoon Dolls or Pixel Dolls

Fan Fiction

Pretty Soldiers by Sokudo Ningyou
An epic Sailor Moon story, the A Different Story arc is a retelling of Sailor Moon: Another Story.
Sokudo Ningyou provided this link. Thank you for the story.

Moonstruck! by The Lunar Archivist
A sprite comic about Sailor Moon: Another Story, check out the first comic.


Character analysis by Sailor Moon from the guidebook translated by Jay - Provides some information about the Oppositio Senshi not found in the game. (Images of the guidebook are at the top of this page.)

Project WikiMoon - Affiliates of the Oppositio Senshi - There are well written articles for each of the Oppositio Senshi and their affiliates.

Bishojo Senshi Sera Mun: Another Story Etymology - Explains the origins of the Oppositio Soldiers' names and covers some mistakes in the translation by Bishoujo Senshi Translations, for example the Opposite Senshi are actually called the Oppositio Senshi (oppositio being Latin for opposition, thus Opposition Senshi).

Their Names in Japanese (kanji/kana) and English - Provided by Ian Andreas Miller.

EmperorBrandon's Boss FAQ - an extensive guide to Sailor Moon: Another Story that covers far more than enemy statistics.

GameFAQs - Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another Story - Reviews, a forum, the usual GameFAQs stuff. - Sailor Moon: Another Story - A Sailor Moon: Another Story Shrine with plenty of information and images to help you play the game.

Ker-Fluff! - "From walkthroughs and game controls to translations and character statistics, Ker-Fluff! brings out all the details any good game guide should have. To bring you the best information possible, the walkthroughs are not links to the ones found on Game FAQs, but are written as the game is played. This means first-hand notes and comments that can help you conquer the game." - Quote ripped right from the front page. (Sorry for being lazy, but it is a very accurate description of what you will find there.)

If you would like to add anything please e-mail me at
monfriez.sprite [@@at@@] gmail [] com
or leave a comment in the guestbook.


Bernie added color to the sprites from Nakayoshi to Issho and did a wonderful job, thanks Bernie (Selenity's Soldiers and Star*Tambourine).