Evangelion Unit 1 is back in action

Evangelion Unit 5 and my unofficial Unit 6 are fighting.  Eva-05 just bit Eva-06 on the arm, and Eva-06 stabbed its knife through Eva-05s head.  Ouch!

Welcome to New Vancouver.

Home of the Canadian Evangelion Units 5 and 6.

Cough, cough. Man, is it dusty in here! I haven't updated this site in years. Well, I plan on doing something with it. I've updated the movies section so that you can see the videos that I've done lately. Cough. I recently won 1st place in the Sakura Con 2002 animation Contest. Please go to To see my trophy! I graduated from the Digital Arts Program at the Center for Digital Imaging and Sound. Now I'm looking for a way to start my career. Suggestions anyone? Anyways, go to my Pokemon page if you want a taste of my traditional handiwork. Go to my Robotech page for some of my latest stuff.

Welcome to my realm, as out of date as it may seem...

My Robotech II page is now better than it ever was at http://3dmecha.com/index2.html

My new 3D Super Robots page is located at http://www.3dmecha.com/3DRetro/Retro3D.htm

My Pokemon page is here at www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Fuji/4059/index.html

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All 3D models on this site have been made with educational versions of 3D Studio R4, 3D Studio MAX 1, 2, and 2.5. They cannot be sold or otherwise used for commercial purposes. All material posted on this website are the property of their respective owners.
All 'EVANGELION' pictures at this web-site are posted with permission from Gainax