Greetings, earthling.
Thy noble visit shall be honored if you just take a little more than 20 sec to view my work and sign my guestbook. Currently on show: my 1st Draft(eerie grin) This page is best viewed with IE 3.0 or above but netscape is ok.
note: This Page will be constantly updated, fixing any bug and error that i've created and new stuff coming out at the minute!
OHHHHH please don't feel frustrated if my page loads real slow (especially netscape users) because it took me a long while to collect the time consuming cute little pic's...thanks!

HATE the background color? change it here!
Special Notice: well, i've just noticed that the jukebox is taking way too much space in this index page so i've decided to display it in a seperate, remote window which you can keep it playing while you surf to other sites. Again, special thanks to ben rosamond with the java script aid.
Smith's scanner doesn't work!! so the prom pics i planned to display just hafta be delayed...(8/26/97)
hum... What's here?
alrite, some of my ID info...
picture coming up as soon as i get my hands on some cool scanner!
oh yeah try paging me...
links to other TAS dudes and more!!
What is TRUE LOVE?
(last updated in 9/7/97; 19:51pm HK)
Hey checkout the chatroom !
Sign my guestbook !
View Guestbook?? maybe....
Meet my slaves!
in case you lost the jukebox, you can still get it here.(last updated 9/29/97)