The vase shown in the front is the first piece
we got 30 years ago, as a gift of our family (who had kept it
since 1917).
Later we got a lovely small Buddha and two tea cups with their
plates, in the same style.
We forgot the whole thing for a
very long time and about one year ago, in a very popular street
market of our country, we found some other pieces and began to
buy them to form a tiny collection.
The pieces shown below were bought just for the sake of watching resulting in the fact that may or may not be original, but they are certainly old.
Actually we added to the collection several wooden boxes and we are buying figurines from occupied Japan. Soon photos will be added.
If you have any comments please write to us
Satsuma photographs
Height: 21.5 cm. Base: 8.5 cm.
Diameter: 10.5 cm. Base: 5cm (the plates have a
diameter of 14.5 cm.).
Height: 17.5 cm. Base: 6 cm.
Height: 23 cm. Base: 8.5 cm.
Height: 18 cm. Base: 6.5 cm. (Restored).
Height: 19 cm. Base: 6.5 cm. Gold Dragon in
Signature in gold and red.
Tiny satsuma vases from 4 to 9 cm.
heightl. Signed made in Japan.
Very beatifull vase. The picture
doest'nt make justice to its beuty. Height 25 cm. Diameter
18cm.Castle, samurais, houses, etc in gold reliefs.Signed.
Miniatures .Heights 5 and 8 cm.Buddha and Hotei
Incense burner with 3 foo dogs in gold, signed
inside and down the base. Height 15 cm, diameter 10 cm.
Bowl 15 x 15 cm. Signed "Hand painted Royal
Nice vase 23 x 12.5 cm. Gold elephants
handles.With Japanese signs at the botton.
Chinese ceramic (Mud men)
Group of mud men (Max.
height: 25 cm).
Cloisonne photographs
Group of cloisonne vases (Max height.
7 cm).
Older pair of cloisonne pieces (plate
and pot, with dragons).
This Japan Ring site is owned by Ramon
Guirado . |
visitors since 20.07.97
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