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Last updated: October 6th, 2002


Konnichiwa and irrashaimasu! Welcome to the Anime Shrine v2000! Wether you're already a devoted otaku or you don't even know what anime and manga is, I'm sure you will find this place interesting and maybe even useful.
I grew up watching anime(Japanese animation) and reading manga(Japanese comics) and I've loved them all my life. I believe they're a different yet sofisticated form of telling a story, and the beautiful pictures and funny SD(super-deformed) omakes(extras) make absorbing the contents easy and entertaining. Here in my humble anime website I present to you some of my beloved anime series(not even close to getting all of them of course) and hope you will enjoy them as much as I do.
If you have any comments or suggestions or death threats or complaints or whines or an occasional compliment, feel free to drop me a note anytime at Now please enjoy!

October 6th - Ok, I really have to make a HUGE apology for anybody who cares about this site, because I apparently have not been caring for it for quite a long time now. I am really going to get a grip of myself now and glorify my Anime Shrine the way I want it to be!
January 19 - The Ah! My Goddess image galleries that were broken (4-7) are now fixed! New mp3 in the mp3 section!
January 13 - Gomen nasai!!! I've totally abandoned my homepage the past few months and I am very ashamed of it. I'm simply too preoccupied with school and other things that I haven't had the time to really sit down and fix all the errors on my page that seem to be popping up more and more now. I promise I will get to them someday though, soon I hope. But please bear with me now! ^_^;;;;

- Alright, now that I'm back home I think I really should start working on my Rurouni Kenshin Shrine, afterall, I'm totally obsessed with the series. So that's something you guys can expect within the next...two months? Depends on how busy I get when school starts again. But I definitely feel responsible for a decent shrine to honor my favorite anime bishonen(Kenshin noda)!

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Copyright 97-00 by Andie Zhang. All pictures and multimedia properties of their respective owners, including mine.