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welcome to C&S Page!

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Welcome to C&S Page! This site will have fan fiction stories and comics based on anything and everything.

What do you think of the design? It's only a preview of what this page might look like. Nothing's been finalised yet. Do tell me what you think of it. Some suggestions would be helpful. This site will most probably be updated every Friday with new stories and comic pages for viewing, if my brother (or sister) doesn't use it. If you have stories that you want others to read, e-mail them to me and I'll put them up.

This site won 1st prize for the "PAGi Best Site Awards" contest! It was organised by PAGi (also known as Parents Advisory Group for the Internet) in conjunction with the event, Safe Surfing 2001, to promote safe surfing for children aged 6 to 16 years old. So you can be sure that this site is suitable for children! To find out more about PAGi, visit The Safe Surfing 2001 website does not exist anymore, so the link as been removed. Before you leave, do sign my guestbook. Feel free to view my guestbook!

What's New in...

Cool Stories

19/5/2006 I logged in to check whether the page still exists, and surprise, surprise! It does! I've been busy (as you have probably guessed by now) with Hero6 and the BioWare Writing Contest. Looking at this page, I feel like revamping this site. Perhaps I'll start updating this site more often now while it's still alive.

11/4/2004 My exams start tomorrow. AFter the exams are over, I will update this website... Look out for it in May.

30/1/2004 Boy. This is bad. It's been such a long time since I've updated this page. I originally wanted to release a Christmas Special but I didn't manage to finish it. Oh well. At least it will be up in Nov. I won't be updating this page for 2 months, starting from Feb because of my 6 day school week every week. Do look our for updates in late April. I will try to add something new.

16/11/2003 Yes, I know I haven't updated this page in a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. A lot had happened prior and during the lull period, but hopefully that would change after Nov 29. Just watch this space for now.

3/8/2003 A new page has been added to ""The Adventure of Maron Henderson".

25/7/2003 Lena, the author of "Lena's Adventures in the Wonderful World of Cha Cha", has decided to discontinue her story. Her story has been removed as she had requested.

30/6/2003 Well, for those of you who can't get enough of Potter, Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh, a new page has been added to "The Adventure of Maron Henderson". This is where the students get sorted into their houses. Will the four friends be forced to enter different houses? Read on to find out.

25/5/2003 A new page has been added to "The Adventure of Maron Henderson". You can find it under list "A" on the Cool Stories page.

2/5/2003 There are two new pages added for the Cool Stories Section. One of them is under "Lena's Adventures in the Wonderful World of Cha Cha", while the other's under "The Adventure of Maron Henderson". I had planned to put them up as Labour Day Specials yesterday but the file manager gave me problems, so I couldn't.

All the story titles have been arranged alphabetically. To get to Lena's story, go to list "L". To gain access to Maron's new story, you can find it under the New Stories Additions until May 20, and after that it can be found at list "A" (Ignore "The").

20/4/2003 Sorry for not being able to update this page sooner. I'd been having lots of problems with my computer and the problems were only fixed today.

I've added a new story that's also written by Maron. (Thank you Maron for being so patient with me!) This time, however, it's in the New Stories Additions page. From now on, all new stories will be featured on that page for about a month. After that, they'll be moved to the Cool Stories page.

There will be many changes to this site so do stay tuned.

Happy Easter Sunday! At present, I haven't written any Easter stories, so there isn't anything new in the Holiday Specials section. :(

31/1/2003 Chinese New Year is tomorrow! Go to Holiday Specials to learn more! There's also a Chinese New Year story, which is adapted from "A Singapore Version of Hogwarts" Chapter 10.

Chapter 10 for "A Singapore Version of Hogwarts" is up now.

25/1/2003 Sorry to take so long in updating this site! To make up for it, I have a brand new story as well as a new chapter for you!

"Kaitou Heart" is a brand new story about a girl with a heavenly mission. It's written by Maron, author of "Maron's Story". Go take a look. She'll also be contributing another new story, so stay tuned.

Chapter 9 for "A Singapore Version of Hogwarts" is up! You know what to do ;)

All the broken links for "A Singapore Version of Hogwarts" have been fixed. Sorry for the mess.

Chinese New Year is coming! There'll be some specials for you to read. If you want to contribute a Chinese New Year story, e-mail me.

A BIG THANK YOU to Lena, Queenofswords and Maron for donating your lovely stories! You all are wonderful!

Comics Section

No updates yet. :(

Coming Soon...

I'm thinking of adding some Laura Bow fanfics as there is currently no known site that has such fanfics. FIY, Laura Bow is an old but great murder mystery game by Sierra. Also, I'm working with Sailor Internet to produce the "All Star Fanfic".

These stories will come out soon, it'll only be a matter of time.

"A Strange Fairy Tale" - This is a story which I would love to finish! It's a fairy tale staring Ash and Pikachu (from Pokemon), Cha Cha and Riya (from Akazukin Cha Cha), Sakura* (from Card Captor Sakura), Harry (from Harry Potter series) and Jade (from Jackie Cha Adventures)!
*I'm replacing Chibi Usa because Sakura's more fun to work with.

"Time Loop Mayhem" - How do you save the world ( and keep your sanity ) when the day repeats itself again and again? (The plot will undergo some changes so it will take a longer time to complete)

"Double Mission" - For the first time ever, two mini stories are converted into ONE long epic. How? Wait and find out!

"Bat to the Past" - Terry, the future Batman, must travel back in time to stop Bruce Wayne from being killed. Otherwise, he himself will cease to exist.

"Adventure in Loddoss" - (I'll have to rework and improve on the story because of personal reasons, so it'll take a much longer time than expected!)
