07-09-02: IMPORTANT NOTICE! - New layout design in progress for Ami's Little Library! Please make sure that you are linking only to this main index page, otherwise your links may suddenly not work in a few weeks when I upload the new layout. Thank you! :)

WARNING! - Some sections of Ami's Little Library contain spoilers from later episodes of Sailor Moon! Check the Help and Information Center for descriptions of the different sections, so you know what the sections will have before you head into them.

All WinAmp skins at Ami's Little Library are full skins!

The WinAmp Skin Collection on this page is comprised mostly of WinAmp skins that have been personally made by me. Check out this section to choose from over 110 WinAmp Skins to download!

Welcome to Ami's Little Library, a site dedicated to Sailor Moon, home to a large WinAmp Skins Exhibit with a number of Sailor Moon, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Card Captor Sakura WinAmp skins, currently all made by me. Feel free to look around, and please sign my guestbook!! Or e-mail me to let me know what you think of this website!

This is my first attempt at a personal webpage, so I am open to suggestions and comments about the webpage from anyone. Also, if I have used any of someone's images without giving them credit for them, please let me know, so that I can remedy that. Many of these images are not mine, and have come from other webpages or sources. However some of the images I have personally made. And I would appreciate it if you would not post these particular images on your site. If you really would like to use one of the images that I have made on your site, please e-mail me.

This site is currently under construction.

Check out my other site, Sakura's Dreamworld, which features information on the anime Card Captor Sakura and a collection of WAV files of selections from the music of CCS!

If you would like to link to this site, you are welcome to use any of the banners available on the Link to Ami's Little Library page.

Ami's Little Library is best viewed at 1024 X 768, or 800 X 600, using Microsoft Internet Explorer. (I personally prefer the resolution 1024 X 768.)

scented // fresh water
heroine :: Daidouji Tomoyo
goddess eyes :|: Tomoyo
my fairy :: Kero-chan
Miko * Mizuno Ami
[ La Magie :: Kero-chan ]
Anime Lover :: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon

Visit Soundom and get paid to listen to your CDs and music files!
And please put in my referral id: sakura_chan. Thanks!

Ami's Little Library

Information Catalogs || Ami's Chronological Log || Picture Galleries || Multimedia Collection || WinAmp Skins Exhibit || Reference Center || Awards Display || Interactive Center || Help and Info About Ami's Little Library

Any Questions, Comments, or Suggestions? - E-mail Amy

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