Happy St. Patrick's Day!! 
Wow... it's been a long time since I've updated.  I've been uber busy as of late, and haven't had time to even look sideways at this site... which I think is fairly obvious by the lack of anything here.  This place as well as everything else is on permanent hiatus until I get my grades up and get my life figured out.  Sorry.

It has been awhile since I have updated anything and for that I appologize.  I have been ulitmately busy with school, work, and family.  I am also sad to announce that my great grandmother has passed away.  In her rememberance I will be placing an eternal (unless this place crashes) flame on this page.  In other news as I'm sure most of you know the MSRP of the gameboy advance has dropped to 79.99.  Also the anime Inuyasha has come to an end.  To find out more about that please go to the anime shack.  Other than that not much of anything else is going on.


Hello again!  Well Summer is in full swing, and I'm loving it.  Well all except for the part that I am going to school this sememster.  I would much rather be spending my maternity leave relaxing with my two little monsters.  But ya gotta do what ya gotta do.  For updates this time around I have thrown up recent pictures of the kids since I haven't done that in ages.  And yes Bergin now has his own shack.  Better late than never I always say!  Other than that not much new on here.  As ususal enjoy your stay here at my shacks!

Welcome to My Shacks!
Special Thanks to the Animation Factory for the neato animated gifs!!
Fiona's Shack
Comments?  Suggestions? Complaints? (which I'm sure there are alot of)
Support our troops!! 
They are risking their lives for us!!
RPG Shack
P.S. We love ya Moose and Dan... come back to us alive!!
Visitors thus far
Bergin's Shack
We'll miss you grandma!