Thankyou all for comming,please scroll down to see why this is my last time updating it.
There are
three series of dragonball
the Z means Zetto which means future
3)DragonBallGT the GT stands for Grand Tour
4) there are 13 movies for DBZ
and 2 for DB
DragonballGT is done by a
different artist than the original DB and DBZ. That's why
some of the charaters look a little bigger. The original
artist and creater of Dragonball is Akira Toriyama. If you
look at your anime shop you may find the UNEDITED DBZ
magna/comic put out by Viz Comics!

click to go to picture gallerys (there's 7 all together)
click to go to Links
click to go to Infomation (mainly name puns)

>>>>updated: July 21,00 Well this is my last time updating this page. I'm quiting it but I'll leave it up for you people to look and you all can take the pictures. I've just lost my obsession on DBZ. I still like to see the new episodes on TV (when they come out) but I just don't feel like updating the page anymore,so. Ja ne minna and thanks for everything!
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