# U.P.D.A.T.E # |
Saturday, July 07,2001 - My new design hommie just get online !!! How does it look ??? Please give me some comments... Thank You !!! - Not all links work !!! I just want to put it online asap. If i don't upload it now, I might be lazy to upload it next time... - Links that work are shown in "NOTE" Section !!! - This hommie haven't really finished yet, still lacks a lot of stuff, so i wouldn't give it a really exact date for its birth. In other words, you can call it... just a sneak peek/preview !!! Sunday, July 08,2001 - Fix Ryoko Wallpaper's broken link !!! Wednesday, July 11,2001 - Add a cool vibrator script on my index page... LoL - Move the Java script on index page to main page... I called 'this page' as a main page... - Add some new links on my Profile Section [favourites] - Change the midi on main page and profile page.. I get bored with the previous midi. - Add some new links and miscellaneous files. See "NOTE" and "MISCELLANEOUS" Section. - Add my Guestbook !!! Yupeeeee.... at last.. got the Guestbook !!! Horeeee... LoL Monday, July 16,2001 - Damn... bad weekend for me.. anyway, just added my final year project's poster - Add another photos of mine... yeah... picture since i was in junior school [1986] - Change my main page midi song. - Change the linking text color on main page and profile page. - Add a link to my old webpage !!! Tuesday, July 17,2001 - Update my window size for specific jave script photo gallery !!! OK, enough for today !!! Comic Time =P [just borrow 2001 Street Fighter EX2 Plus + Monkey King] Friday, July 20,2001 - Add a cute program [ I bet those females will like it, uhm.. males ? why don't ya try it as well.. the song is nice... ] - Update 'how to contact me' [both by phone number and my address] link located in my Profile Section. Password needed !!! - Change the timing for 'vibrator' script - Add another additional 'cool script' for my index page !!! - Change the type of Counter on my index page !!! Saturday, July 21,2001 - Create another special page for special person, with a fancy face, I have met !!! Sorry guys, I won't put think link up to my website... coz, this is a bit personal...A simple page dedicated to 'her' Monday, July 22,2001 - Set the dedication of my 1st archieve and 2nd archieve on my fantasy page to fancy face lady... Friday, August 24,2001 - Delete & make changes on some unuseful scripts.. the more i log on my own website... i feel annoying with it !!! - Make minor changes on broken links... Fixing is in progress !!! Sunday, August 26,2001 - From now on, if i am doing some minor updating [not too important stuff] + private stuff [individual - not for share] on my page, I will not inform it again in this update section... Saturday, October 13,2001 - Delete some annoying script and some pages |
# B U L L E T I N # | Cool Links... | Most Wanted | |
Currently, the links that works are shown below: - Profile - Movie List - Winter Snow !!! - My family Photo Set - Cute Siska !!! - Ryoko Hirosue Wallpaper gallery [01] [02] [03] [04] - Tired ??? Enjoy Fishing ??? Click here to get a break - Miscellaneous Stuff: · Download the Millenium fireworks [Powerpoint format] here !!! · Some Great Archieves - Final Year Project's Poster - Legend of my photos [since 1986] - My Old Webpage [NO MORE UPDATING PROGRESS] - Song Before You go To Sleep !!! Note: LEFT CLICK !!! Save as *.exe |
Credits | |||
First of all, I'd like to thanks to my family esp. my mom and my dad, who had give me a lot of supports in these years. I'd also like to thanks to my two lovely sisters in giving me a lot of advice, and strengths. Without you, I won't be succeed. I LOVE YOU ALL !!! More... |