Thai amulets
Created & Written by "Lek Watruak"
Featuring Thai amulets made by Buddhist guru monks or Luang Phor ( LP ) from temples across the country. Thai amulets carry ultra high efficacies for Metta, life safty, invincibility, good luck, wealth, fortune, attractiveness, evil protection,etc:- 
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Somdej BangKhunPhrom, Phim Sendai

Your Collecting Corner:
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Site Index
Thai Amulets 1 | Thai Amulets 2 | Thai Amulets 3 
Thai Pop Amulets
Informative Newsletter
All Sources of Amulet Information for Amulet Enthusiasts & Real Collectors
Click to Registration Page
About Your Writer 
Billionaire Katha
(Enhanced Rich Katha)

Professional Techniques :
Somdej Wat Rakang(SWR) Series:
-SWR General Background (1)  
-SWR Phim Yai, OK Vee (2)
-SWR Phim Yai, Ok Vee (3)
-SWR Phim Yai, Ok Vee (4)
-SWR Phim Yai, Ok Vee (5)  
-Rough-texture SWR 
-Natural Shallow Crack
-Glazed-ware Crack Surface 
-Super Pic SWR1 
-Super Pic SWR2 
- Fine-texture SWR
- Super Pic SWR 3 
Phim Yai Ok Krabok  
Backside of SWR (1)
Backside of SRW (2)
Backside of SRW (3)   
- Misc on Buddha Chinnaraj
- 2 Great LP Pix For FREE !!
7-tiered Somdej Keschaiyo,
Phim Niyom Series:

-Fake Amulet
Fake VS Real
Real Head Section
Real Body & Arms
Real Stages Section
Hints on Last Stage
Hints on Backside
-Originally Fundamental Amulet  
Original Ridge Face
Original Arms & Body
-Tip On The Bell Line   
Comparative Study On Transformations
Soft Texture Type 1
Soft Texture Type 2
Soft Texture Type 3
Soft Texture Type 4
Front Side Linear Cracks 1
Front Side Linear Cracks 2
Hi-powder Content Texture
Your Collecting Corner:

LP Parn Amulets Series:
- General Texture Type (1)
General Texture Type (2)
Comparative Amulet Texture
Amulet Backsides
More Amulets For Study
Strong Texture Amulet
Amulets of Specific Color 
Red Thin Layer Amulets 
Betel-nut-dye Amulets 
Single-lined Yant Amulets
A Very Rare-to-find Piece
Phim KrutYai of Low Relief
Top of LP Parn's Series
1st Batch Wat Paknam Series:
Verification on 1st Batch WatPaknam's
Verification on 1st Batch WatPaknam's
Verification On 1st Batch Wat Paknam Amulet
(Transparent Lacquer)

Scriptless-back,1st Batch WPN
WPN "Roon Tokkarng" Amulets
More Tips For Roon Tokkarng Authentication 
Tips for Used Tokkarng Amulet
WPN Roon Long Phim

Verification Markings On 25 Buddha Sattawas Leela
Collecting Style by EARS or EYES ??
Essential Information: 25 Buddha Sattawas Leela
25 Sattawas Leela of Various Colors

LP Daeng's 1st Batch Medal
LP Daeng's Biography
Grand set of LP Daeng's Pidta
Roop Lor LP Ngern Bang Klaan, Phim Niyom
LP Daeng's Somdej Kanaen
LP Ngern Bang Klaan Mini Statue, Phim Kheeta
LP Kant's Knife
Smart Collecting on
Chinnaraj Indochine B.E. 2485
Top"Kung Fu" on Somdej Wat Rakang
Verification on LP Parn's Krut Yai
LP Daeng's Splendid Set of Somdejs
You're Cheated !!
With LP Daeng 2nd Batch Somdej

LP Parn Amulet, Real or Fake
Pidta Amulet, Real or Fake
LP Tae's GumanThong

MeedMoh, Real or Fake?
Secret on Somdej BangKhunphrom  
Secret on Phra Somdej
Chao Khun Nor's Phra Kaew
Your Collecting Corner:
Useful Articles:
Food for Thought
No Sweet Truth
Write-up from Honored Visitor Writer 
Something You Should Know 
Absolute Equation 
Thai Popular Amulet
LP Nong Leela & Soomkor
LP Parn Three-Generation Amulets
Wat LingKhob Amulet
LP Soi's Great Amulet
Great Khun Paen of LP Aant

Reclining Buddha Statue 
Top Nangkwak of LP Boon
Chao Khun Nor's Somdej

LP Od's Masterpiece Statue 
LP Chong's Phayant  
The KNIFE That Defeats GUN !! 
LP Kant's Conquering Knife

FAQ on Thai Amulets(2)  
Guidelines for Buying & Collecting
"Thai amulets" on Education
Thailand's Great Guru Monks (1) 
Thailand's Great Guru Monks (2)
Thailand's Great Guru Monks (3)
Thailand's Great Guru Monks (4)
Thailand's Great Guru Monks (5)
Thailand's Great Guru Monks (6)
Thailand's Great Guru Monks (7)
Present-period Guru Monks  
Introduction | Nang Kwak | Phra Pitta Maha Ut | Sangajayana
Rajasiha | Khun Paen | Chinnaraj Indochine | Sivali
Luang Phor Parn | Luang Phor Chong
Guman Thong | Luang Phor Wat PakNam | Luang Phor Doem
The Origin of Khun Paen Guman Thong 
Miracles of the Great Guru | The Great-Grand-Five Amulets
Phra Ngang | FAQ on Thai Amulets
Sound Mantras:
Greatest Mantra "Yan Kropetch"
Greatest Mantra for Wealth & Fortune 
The Great Script of 5 Buddhas 
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Email to :
"Lek Watruak"
ABOUT THE AUTHOR:   "Lek Watruak" is the author's very well-known penname which has been used for writing on Thai amulets for more than 25 years. Lek, a native Bangkokian born to Chinese parents from Shantou, China, graduated from the oldest and famous Chulalongkorn University, and continued higher studies in the United States. Lek has been working as the executive editor and senior writer for the top-circulationed Thai amulet magazine "Sian Phra" for nearly 20 years. Lek has written more than 1,500 Thai amulet articles and features as well as more than 10 best-seller books on Thai amulets. Apart from working for the amulet magazine, Lek also runs his personal business related to computer fields.   
Site Index
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Thai Pop Amulets
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