Welcome to
Last Updated 07/19/99
Welcome to the New and Improved Geocities Pokemon Center. Please be sure to email with any problems you encounter on this site i.e. broken links, hard to read because of background image, runs off the side of the screen (when at full screen), etc. I promise to update more often this time.
I've added a few more pictures to the fan art section. This area seems to be growing a lot in the last few weeks. Check it out and maybe even add your own creations! Other than that, justa few minor things. I've been trying to add a new news item everytime and I get new Pikachu mail at least once an update. I know this is a light update but I have a lot to read for my American Politics class so I have less time to work on this. Also my Newsgroups get a lot of posts.
Also, alas, the Pokedex is still not fully operational. Hey, if anyone is good a HTML, they can feel free to check out the format I'm using on my pokedex pages and to do some of them, if you want to help I'll give credit where due, just email with questions.
Meet my Pikachu
He has an attitude problem. Please don't steel him from me.
To adopt a Pikachu
Click HERE!
Click here to see Pikachu's fan mail
Te send Pikachu fan mail click here. Put Pikachu Fan Mail in the subject line.
For those of you who have been to my site before, or even for those of you new here, I have reorganized alot of the old stuff. The "What is Pokemon" section and the "News" section have been combines into the "News and Info" area. "The Pokedex", "TM and HM" guide, and the "Tips and Hints" area have been combined into the "Game Info" area. Also added to this line up in the Game info area are guides to Pokemon evolution, Fishing guides, and other such info. The "Gallery" is now the "Image Gallery" and Fan-art and Fan-fiction are still the same. Also added is the Walkthrough section. Though this could have been in the "Gam info" area I decided to just put it on the main page. It's pretty self explanitory.
The downloads area doen't have a button yet, just click the text link.
News and Info / Game Info / Game Walkthrough / Image Gallery / Fan Art / Fan Fiction/Downloads
Or visit my other website The Chaos Xone, it mostly contains my own art and writing. Also It contains info and screen shots for some of my favorite Anime. This site has not been updated in a while.
Pokémon Fan-art and Fan- Fiction! If you have and pictures or stories you would like to submit feel free too email them to me first. Be sure to keep pictures under control for size. Be sure to include you name, email, age?, URL? any information you want included with your picture or story. Please send pictures in JPG format or GIF. Please no BMPs they are too big. Fan-fiction is preferred in TXT or DOC format, but I can take anything from Office '97 format, that's pretty much MS Word.
Pokémaniacs have visited since
this sites creation on 10/17/98. Hmmm... Soon I'll have to make a 10,000 hit banner.
Pokémon is © 1995,1996,1998 Nintendo/CREATURES, Inc./GAMEFREAK, Inc.
All information on this page is used for non profit purposes and purely fan purposes. Basically free advertising for Nintendo. Pokémon is not my property of creation nor do I intend that it come off that way.