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The purpose of this page is to translate scripts of the anime Legend of Galactic Heroes into other languages, such that everyone can enjoy a great anime without knowing any Japanese at all. For information regarding this great anime series, please visit Lee Thompson's Legend of Galactic Heroes Info Center.
Currently, timed scripts in English only exist for episodes 1-42 (?) and the movies, which is why no fansubbers carry anything beyond that. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)
However, there are VCD's with Chinese subtitle. The first project of script exchange is to type out the Chinese subtitle for the untranslated episodes. And hopefully someone who is fluent in both Chinese and English will translate the script into English for the rest of the world. Interested parties please email logh_scripts@geocities.com or sign the guestbook. below.
In addition to the anime, the original novels, which the anime and manga are based on, are also translated into Chinese and available online. I believe the first two volumes are already translated into English. Since translating novel is much more difficult than the scripts because in-depth knowledge of both languages are required, this site mainly focus on anime script translation. However, if anyone is interested in translating the novels (or is already working on the translation), please don't hesitate to do so.