Anime Guide for Beginners
Plus other stuff!!
    Hi there.  I hope that you are here to find out about anime because that's about all that is here.
Anime is to some, is "silly" or "a waste of time."  But to some it is something we can't live without.  Anime started in about 1974 with one of the first BIG anime to come out was ARRIVEDERCI YAMAMOTO.  (Known to us here as Star Blazers.)  This was when anime became a big thing in Japan.  It was a big hit, but after time it began to loose it's popularity until the series YAMAMOTO2 came out.  Anime lingered around the next couple years until 1983 when SUPER DIMENTIONAL FORTRESS MACROSS came out.  (Known to us as Robotech.)
    Anime since then has come a long way.  Anime is now a very very big thing in Japan as well as the US.  Regular conventions are held for anime lovers in Japan and in America.
    What makes Japanese anime better than American Cartoons?
    Well, in my opinion (don't count on it much, please feel free to form your own opnion.), American cartoons are centered around MOSTLY children.  Take Disney's Lion King, be that is as it may, some grown ups enjoyed it and anime lovers might have enjoyed it too BUT, it was a child's story.  Japanese anime has something for everyone.
    What do you mean something for everyone?
    There mainly 3 diffrent types of anime.  Shojo, Shonen, Ecchi / Hentai & well the questionable.  Shojo anime is literally girl's anime, in other words romance is the main theme of the anime.  Shonen anime is boy's anime.  It's main theme is martial arts action and sometimes graphic violence.  Ecchi / Hentai anime is.... well ..... to put it best XXX anime, well not exactly XXX, sometimes X-rated anime.  The questionable ones are like...Crayon Shinchan, etc.  For more info. click here.
    When you get your first anime please, please , please, please, please, please, please, please,
please , please, please, please, please, please, please, please , please, please, please, please, please, please, please , please, please, please, please, please, please, please , please, please, please, please, please, please, please , please, please, please, please, please see it subtitled.  If you saw it in English, see the Japanese Dialogue English subtitled version.  It just dosen't seem the same in English.  Besides, I'm not saying that all English dubbed anime is bad, it's just that MOST English dubbed anime is questionable!!  To me, most of the English voices don't fit the character.  For example for those of you who saw the English Version of Macross II, the main character to me sucked.  But, by the same token, the English version of Dennis (The news guy) was much better than the Japanese version.  The Japanese just can't do the cockey American.
    Anime has so many things to offer anyone with an open mind.  One popular belif is that anime is porno, violent and sexist.  But there is one thing that we must see.  Based on Japanese belifs, about anime, nudity is a more casual thing.  Its hard to see but the occasional nudity is not offensive to the Japanese viewer but considered 15+ age group in America.  Well, for the porno part...... I can name you about 2 anime titles that are not porno for every 1 anime porno you name me.   The violence is just a thing that you gotta deal with, there are many non-violent shows that are very good out there too.  It's just a matter of taste.
Now for the stuff:
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