- Geist's Sailor Mars Shrine News -
Hello, and welcome to my site! This is a shrine dedicated solely to Sailor Mars, who is my Favorite scout. This shrine contains an image gallery which is filled with images with Sailor Mars. It also includes a fan art section, and a links page. This site was last updated on 7/10/99. Hope you like the changes I have made. When surfing through the site, I found it irritating, that I had to return to the main page to get to any other page. My thoughts were, that if it was hard for me, then it must be hard for you. ;) Hope you like the changes.
More than 3 years have passed since I've updated this site. I know I promised all sorts of more images, movies, and some fan art. I'm sorry those never came, and I'm VERY sorry to those who kept checking hoping they will. I have just not gotten around to updating the site. Hell i'll be honest - I more or less completely FORGOT about this site. Scrounging for my password into geocities took a while also ;)
I thank each and every one of you that sent me fan art. Some of the submissions were incredible. You people are quite the artistic type ;) I apologize to you for not posting the images on my site, but again, I've not updated it nor will I finish the updates I promised. I've just got other things to do.
Anyway, to those of you who accessed the site, and enjoyed it, thank you. It was really my first (and pretty much last) html experience. I coded it straight from simpletext (wordpad equivalent for you non mac-people), so all the javascript and tables and such were hard coded. That's why it feels so good to have people access and enjoy the site because it wasn't easy coding it all by hand.
Anyway, no more updates to this site. I've written a little bit of stuff on the "my two cents page" but it's not all that much. I kept the previous rant there in case any of you like to compare. It shows a lot about how i've changed within the past 3 years. The email still works, in case you want to get in contact with me for some strange reason ;)
note: if any of the images on these pages do not load up, try reloading the page. If the page looks real screwed up, (happened to me when I was testing the page out) try leaving that page, and going to it by a link from the mainpage.
Pictures | Profile | My Two Cents | Fan Art | Credits | Links | Main Page |
This page last updated on 6/20/02 at around 0:30 (12:30am) mountain time.