Click here for the cool art work.
I've collected a lot of music over the net and well here's my collection of midi's from video games and animes... Enjoy.
Click her to go to the music room!
Go here to see links worth seeing?
PS want your site known? e-mail us at our e-mail addressamd juding on you site well add a link.
Click here to go to the Links section of the Site!
To the Talented or Un-Talented!
If you have any Fan art you wish to submit. Send it (with artist info.) to my e-mail account. I will put it with the rest of the artwork in my fan art section of the page.. So others will have the pleasure of seeing your work. We really don't care what you sent as long as it's anime or something close to anime. (and decent) we don't care.
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person on this page since we re opened it on 2/19/01. Try to visit us often, this page is updated every two days. I last updated this page 4/3/2001.

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Laugh at Zacks attempts of making this site better!
As the old saying goes, "The road less traveled is less traveled for a reason," ... or something like that. It seems we'll have to be using our college scanner so hopefully the new pics witll be up soon
This message will change every week. To keep you updated with the newest stuff from the Anime station.
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All characters and logos used on this site are products of there orginal company and have no offiliation on Zack's Anime Station. As for the characters and designs in our Fan art and Make yourself any section. They are all Orginal creations and we'd hope people would ask to you use them. If you'd like to link up to us use our banner as a link, and let us know about your linking so we can link back