Ann's Homupejii
Brad's Homepage
Her Majesty's Secret Service
Iichan's Homupejii
Grrr....Yes I'm a lazy bum and NO, you won't know anything about me :) Just stare at the cute picture...yes...that's it.

I may write something about myself...or you can just go to Her Majesty's Secret Service to see something about who I years ago? Ya, 3 years ago :P

Anyways...yah...I'm changing a lot of things around and trying to get some research done in the process.  I'm finally relaxed *beam*  Anyways, to all my friends, enjoy and you guys kick ass, but you already knew that ;)
Love yas :)

Maiku-chan's Homupejii
"The Dog"'s official site
My Current State:
My pages:
Jello peoples, or mostly my friends...for those of you who don't go straight to your desired page :)

Anyways, I fixed my anime list page...which was mucked up...

Bah...I'm over being irritated with the world...I don't think relaxation makes me just makes me frustrated.

OOhh...adding school note pages..not that anybody will use them :P

I think OAC is synonymous with hell....There's something the teachers aren't telling us...
Fun page
My Anime List
School Stuff
Summer Reading List
Vnum maps
Last updated:
September 21 @ 6:35 p.m..