
"But God's own descent
Into flesh was meant
As a demonstration
That the supreme merit
Lay in risking spirit
In substantiation.
Spirit enters flesh
And for all it's worth
Charges into earth
In birth after birth
Every fresh and fresh."
- Robert Frost

Hi, my name is Megan (aka Raven, Elena Ravenshaw, Mei-chan, Ichigo Daifuku (yum!)...), Pit-Dweller of Arcadia, Champion of Everyone Else's True Love, Ranter on International Affairs, Reviewer of Anime, and Chick with a Full-Time Job. This overgrown collection is the product of years of benign neglect, so I can only hope that you find what you are looking for here....
~Please choose a page from the following groups~
If you have trouble with the menu, please use the text links in the next section or at the bottom of the page. My apologies- I'm still working the bugs out of the javascript.
The anime and book reviews pages (Meichan's Anime Addiction and Raven's Reviews, respectively) are basically complete sites unto themselves. If you get lost in anime, go back to the main page of that site and there will be a link back to this page. If you get lost in Raven's Reviews, go to the page about reviewers and click on my name to return here.
If you feel like taking anything, be it a picture, a poem, a review, or anything else, please visit my rules page first. If you get the chance, you can also read the credits page to see all the people who worked on this page more than I did.

What's here...
First of all, there are three other pages I created or maintain. They are Meichan's Anime Addiction, full of pics, song translations, and screen captures to feed your own addiction. Also, it has a special Anime Dictionary, helpful for those who aren't fluent in Japanese. Another page is the extensive "Science Fiction, Fantasy, Historical, Horror, and anything else we thought up" book review page called Raven's Reviews. Finally, there's the Wellesley Anime page that Cheline and I created and Kristin maintains. The WA page seems to have disappeared at the moment.... *sweatdrop*
Next, there are the pages of this site. Some of them are about hobbies of mine: landscape photographs, the Middlesex Morris Dancing Team, and a few examples of my writing, mostly poetry and short stories. Some of the pages are about my friends, whether they are part of the Den or are stuffies. There are also pages for my family, my hometown, and some geneological information provided by my Uncle John.
Random leftovers include a humor page about Wellesley College, my resume, a little bit of news about my life, my wish list, and the credits for all of these pages.

I will attempt to update this page whenever I can. I apologize for the delays- they usually mean I'm working.
- January 11, 2002: Ha ha! I have updated the site, but haven't touched this page in almost 2 years! The Friends page got broken into pieces, but not particularly updated. The Anime page has seen some updates- see the updates page for it. Raven's Reviews is stuck, not going anywhere, I have no time.... The Writing page keeps getting updated, though, and I think Photography and Family have a few new things as well. Argh! (Btw, Middlesex Morris is defunct- we merged with Lemon & Capers to create Red Herring Morris, a mixed Duns Tew team. Someday the page will reflect this.)
- April 3- 2000: Put up the quotes for April. Haven't done much of anything to this site, but the Anime and Book Reviews sites are really cooking.
- February 28: Put up the quotes for March. Added a couple of poems to the writing page. Separated my resume into webstuff and non-profit. Come see the review site! It's *huge* now!
- January 5: Put up the quotes for February. Please be advised that this page will probably not be updated (except for crossing things off the Christmas list) for the next couple of months while I move. This announcement does not apply to the review site.
- December 24: Whoops, deleted the other updates for the last two and half months. There were changes to my wish list and the writing page in November, and the quotes for January have just gone up. Check out the anime page for more screen captures! I'm trying to make a page containing all the quotes ever used on this site. Look for that sometime in February.
- September 29: Finally, I have added the quotes for next month on time. Raven's Reviews reached 250 reviews, with 50 authors.
- September 11: So, having re-re-disposed of the monster and received a new password, I have put up the quotes for this month. Other material forthcoming. Those of you looking for the wedding/iowa/colorado pics, go check the url I gave you again. This is not the site you're looking for.
- July 26: Added a daily quote generator to this main page. Will be moving the page to a new home at homes.arealcity.com/the-wasteland-tavern sometime in early August. New home is interactive, with help from javascript. Hope you like it.
- July 13: Added my personal wish list to make shopping for me easier. The idea came from Tim. Also, fixed some errors on the den and added some touches to the news page.

Ravens are scavengers. They flock to the sites of battles, and ancient stories often depict them as harbingers of death. In many tales, they are also spies or advisors to gods, possibly because they know the secrets of the dead. One character trait that remains constant is their love of shiny baubles and trinkets, which they collect and keep in their nests.
The Raven is flying away! Keep an eye on this page for updates about the new, javascript-enhanced adventure it will become!
As in the updates section, I say "Ha Ha!" I played with creating another site, and there is some really cool stuff for it, but guess what? That's right- I have a job! You're so smart, what are you doing reading this page?
The Raven usually builds its nest on cliffs, though some Ravens build nests in trees. The nest is usually built in late winter. Ravens make their nests of sticks and line them with bark, moss, cattle hair, wool, seaweed, grasses, or rabbit fur. [The Ravens most likely to live in the Boston area are members of the 'northern raven' species.]
-Herbert Friedmann, for the World Book Encyclopedia, 1988

This page owned by: Raven
Questions? Comments? Smart remarks? Email me at
Last Updated: January 11, 2002
(Mei-chan's Anime Addiction)
(Raven's Reviews)
(Middlesex Morris)
(Wellesley College)
(My Hometown)
(The Den)
(The Stuffy Conspiracy)
Having trouble viewing my page? Try resetting your computer's resolution to 800x600 and turning on Javascript (for the menu only)
A total of curious people have visited this site since February 9, 1999
No, there is no guestbook at this time. Please email me with anything you want to say.

The End...
What are you still doing here? Isn't this page cluttered enough for you? Oh well, as long as you're here you might as well visit the spiffy site I am currently surfing.
You could also have checked out my awesome Javascript abilities, except Bina's page went bye-bye. So instead, go see my inimitable koohai K-chan and the irrespressably classy Miko-dono, both chicks who occassionally update their sites (unlike me).
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