Yet Another Dragon Ball Fanfiction Page

Android Saga pic

Welcome to Yet Another Dragon Ball Fanfiction Page. Although most of the fics in this site take place after the cyborg and Cell saga (i.e DBZ in the anime), they are based on the manga, Dragon Ball. In the series, Mirai Bulma's time machine enabled her son Trunks to travel back in time in an effort to save their future, and in the process created another timeline which became the one where the story of Dragon Ball progressed and finally ended.

But Cell also came from the same future as Mirai Trunks did, only in that future he killed Mirai Trunks before stealing his time machine to go back to the past. What happened to this timeline after that? This is the story explored in A Mirai's Tale. And if there was a timeline where Cell came, there must also be a timeline where he never came to the past. Prologue tells the story of the beginnings of this timeline. What happens after that is another story, which I may or may not write. Check out the Fanfic Ideas section for updates on this. Also in this website you'll find some short stories featuring characters like Mr.Satan, Enma Daiou, cyborg #19 and Marron, among others. The series are somewhat linked with each other, unlike the short stories. All fanfics are located in the Fanfic Index.

There is also a section hosting stuff other people sent me, and a fanart section where I showcase pictures of characters I've used or created for my fanfics. Contributions for both these sections would be greatly appreciated.

Bits of info about myself, the website and the fanfics, including copyrights can be found in the About.. section. My favourite sites can be accessed via my links page.

I welcome your questions/comments on my website, fanfics and art or anything you would like to say about DB/Z. Please email me your questions/comments/opinions, or sign my guestbook. If you read through all of this, thank you. Here's what you really came here for. Enjoy, and come back often ^_^

Yet Another DB Fanfic Author

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