Welcome, lonely traveller...
Ok, yes, yes, I haven't updated for three months even though I said I would. A lot of stuff got in the way this summer... like a job, a computer crash, and getting locked out of my page for a while, but I am BACK! Who knows when the next update will be...
Planned Improvements:
New For June: Slayers Next!
(yeah so I've been telling you about it for a while, give me time...)

Profile of Rezo
Mad Skillz Presents VideoGame BlissA guy with a passion for the games he plays. Exellent artwork here!
Sailor Saturn's RealmIf you like Sailor Saturn, I command thee to go here!
Bishoujo Sailor Moon Complete guides to all 200 episodes! Great for trivia buffs!
"The Slayers Page" HUGE Slayers galleries! Easily over 200 pics!
Planet Web Graphics A exellent site for banners and buttons. Thanks guys!
Wait a minute! Just where do you think YOU'RE going? You gotta sign my G-book first!!!
Come on! Don't be a stranger! E-mail me!:
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