This is obviously Luigi's stupid page in the net. I know some of you fuckers got some hate inside for me, so just drop me a line at luigi_aguilar[at] Replace [at] with @ and that's my address. I will have the old Iwakuni website that has not been updated since 2000 (I think some of you know why). I'm back, been out since 2002 and living in the same shit-hole city, now with a girlfriend.

I have quit smoking officially since 2003, and I feel better about myself. I have not recently contacted any of my friends (more like "friends") in a while. I wanted to keep a low profile but some things just can't be avoided. I go back to college and I find out that damn near everyone knows me. I have to thank my brother for that. I wished to be anonymous, but it ain't happening.

So, drop me a line if want to send hate mail or a greeting letter.

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