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I see the Stillness
In the unchanging Void
Where nothing moves
But all things Are.
In these Shadows I do watch.
All that in the ever moving world.
The world that is not mine
I do not belong.
But I cannot leave.
It is apart of me.
So I am still.
To return to the Void
From these Shadows I do watch
All that in this wretched world.
The world that is ignorant
Ignorant to its own worthlessness.
It tears apart its occupants.
And I am still.
To feel something from which I came.
From the Void that holds true.
But this world is not mine.
I do not believe.
Which is why I should not be.
And I feel it in me.
Pulsing through me.
A cascading fall that cannot be stopped.
The overflowing movement of this world.
And it tears me apart, leaving me empty.
Leaving me to all I can be -- to be Still.
Then there is Darkness.