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"When you love someone so deeply
They become your life
It's easy to succumb to overwhelming fears inside
Blindly I imaged I could
Keep you under glass
Now I understand to hold you
I must open my hands
And watch you rise..."
Butterfly, Mariah Carey

Hunkameister, Hunnee, Sugabear, Darling, Love...

Where should I start, and how should I begin? of the day I met you, met my special friend I never thought this could happen, how could this be, that there was someone out there someone for me, it feels like your so right for me and perfect in everyway, this wonderful someone who gives me this feeling I just can't explain, we have long talks at night with laughter and fun.
I just can't shake this feeling that you might be the one, I know it's too soon to feel like this but to find someone like you was always my wish, your my dream come true, too good to be real my words can't begin to express exactly how i feel.
I gave up on looking, looking a long time ago thought you were only a dream but now I know you just popped in my life and not a moment too late, just like you said it must've been fate.
How do you expect me to go from here? I'm so thrilled to have met you, met you my dear, I'm falling for you and I know that you know I'm still kinda scared.
Cuz where will it go? Baby, I dont know what to say and I dont know what to do, I'm really scared cuz I'm falling for you what else can it be? Cuz your always on my mind every second of the day, every moment in time.
I can't shake this feeling its too strong to fight your on my daily and in my dreams at night my life would be so complete if you would be here, turn my life around make my grey sky's clear, there's one thing that I know.
I dont want this to end. I owe it all to that day when i met my special friend...

Once upon a time...
There was this girl, named Miss Lo; she wasn't just any ordinary girl, she was a very stubborn and clumsy one. She never believed in love. She was convinced that she would never fall in love... ...
That was until...
Prince chamring by the name of Mr. Phung came along with his white horse and swept Miss Lo off her feet.
She was convinced that Mr. Phung took her breath away, and that was the reason why she began to have difficulty breathing normally; that was the beginning of her mild asthma.
But no, she was not mad... instead she was shocked, shocked to see that someone has captured her heart in such a breathtaking way.
And plus, if one day could not breathe and she needed CPR, he'd be there to give it to her...
Close to four years has passed and unbelieveably, Miss Lo is still madly inlove with Mr. Phung.
From the tears to the smiles, to the endless laughter... it was something she could have not imagine a relationship could be.

Remember the first day when I saw your face
remember the first day when you smiled at me
you stepped to me and you said to me
I was the girl you saw on the computer
remember the first day when you called my house
remember the first day when you took me out
we had butterflies although we tried to hide and
we both had a beautiful night.
<3 Mr. Phung and Miss Lo <3
From the proms, to graduation, he celebrated all her milestones.
Thank you Mr. Phung. I love you.

You Are My Sunshine
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away!
My Sonny, my only Sonny.
Miss Lo is not as nice as she seems...
The day Miss Lo forced Mr. Phung to kiss her on the hand,
without realizing that he really, really needed to urinate -
she is sooooo sorry(with all her heart)!
That's Mr. Phung always piggy-backing Miss Lo. She was sooo spoiled, a spoiled brat.
...A message from Miss Lo to Mr. Phung...
Hunnee, I know you're smiling,
hehehe, I know I'm not all that great at designing...
but it's the thought that counts right? ^_^

Yes, you are.
My Hunkameister...
Thank you for all the times you`ve ordered pizza, always surprising me.
Thank you for always trying.
Thank you for still loving me.
Thank you for saying `I love you` even when I didn't.
Thank you for being so god damn patient.
Thank you for your paintings, your cooking, your smiles.
Thank you for singing, and leaving me sweet messages.
Thank you for making me laugh till my tummy hurts.
Thank you for always standing up for me.
Thank you for always being strong when I was weak.
Thank you for always being honest and faithful.
Thank you for always carrying me when I couldn`t walk.
Thank you for giving so much and never expecting anything in return.
Thank you for driving so far just to see me.
Thank you for your comfort, your broad shoulders.
Thank you for blessing me with Missy.
Thank you for putting up with me for almost four years now.
Thank you for being the best boyfriend you can possibly be.
Thank you for making me feel so alive.
Thank you for being you.
Thank you for letting me steal your heart.
You`ve touched me in a way no one has ever, and for that I thank you.

Everytime I look at this picture, I can't help but to smile...
Whenever I look at you, I still see that little boy...

Anhtuan, sometimes I just don't know how to explain or express myself...
so I decided to create this special page to show you how much I still love you. It's been almost four years since I've met you... and within that period... I've learn so much. You taught me more than just to love... you opened my eyes and showed me what it felt like to be loved. You changed me in so many ways(good ways).
I think I've become a better person... because of you...
I am a lot more patient than I was before, a lot less stubborn...
I'm not very agressive when driving... I'm not materialistic and superficial like I was before.
I never realized how stupid I sounded when I said I wanted to go to Paris to get a bag instead of spending time with you here, it didn't occur to me that it may just be my last time being with you... and that getting a stupid bag isn't going to bring me everlasting memories - memories of being with you...
The more that we're apart, the more guilt I feel... I feel like I didn't treat you well enough, and that I could've been a better girlfriend. One who never insulted you, dissed you, abused you, force you to do things you didn't want to, disrespect you...
I guess it's good that we're apart... because if you never stood your ground... I would never see how horrible I treated you... I wouldn't realize that you're such a great person... and you deserve better.
Many nights I've cried just because I couldn't imagine my life without you... I've never felt such pain in my heart.
Because of you, I will be a better girlfriend...
I don't know what the future will bring... but hun, I hope you are the one I spend the rest of my life with...

"a million words could not explain my love for you..."
Date Created: November 14, 2003.