Disclaimer: As it seems Yahoo!Geocities thinks my page is somewhat vulgar (heh)... therefore I have to put this little disclaimer on here (Is it little enough?:: grin ::)... Well, before you go on I must warn you that there is vulgar language, and whatever else is vulgar I don't know *shrug*... If you are sensitive (ha) then don't continue... I think that's it... :: laughs to herself :: ... Enjoy :)
"It began to open before his eyes. It disclosed a dark scarlet furnace, petal upon petal, each blazing with its own secret fury. Jake had never see anything so beautiful, so intensely and utterly alive. now, as he stretched one grime-streaked hand toward his wonder, the voices began to sing his own name... and a dreadful, deadly fear began to steal in toward the center of his heart. It was as cold as black ice and as heavy as stone.
There was something wrong here. He could feel it pulsing in discord, like a deep and ugly scratch across some formerly priceless work of art... Then the heart of the rose opened up before him exposing a bright yellow dazzle of light... It was a sun: a vast forge blazing in the center of this rose growing in the alien grass.
The fear returned, only now had become outright terror. It's right, he thought incoherantly, everything here is right, but it could go wrong..."
~ Stephen King - The Rose - "The Waste Lands"
The name's Gwynevere or ~ M|seRy StaRr ~, if you may...
Looks like I've managed to get this site up and running quite well... took a while... but it's all good :) I'll be updating more and more as time goes on... So, come back any time to check for updates :) Have fun and Enjoy :)
If you enjoy music, write music, play music join this music forum. Just click on the banner below.
I finally got some PICS!!! Either go to my About Me page or just click here.
If you would like to hear about the most fucked up night of my life click here. (Revised on: November 30, 2004 - Yeah, prolly was the most fucked up night of my life, but that was like 5 years ago. Still an entertaining story though.)
It seems I added something new... Just some bands I like, you can view them here. I will hopefully be adding good links to the pics, like lyrics and the such. Have fun :)
My current mood is...

A Candle For Tracey
Some of my favorite Blinkies...
More Blinkies...

These are my children. I thought I'd let them live here for a while... Say hello to Pearl and Damien...
(Click on the Adoption Certificates to Adopt your own Dragon)

I have made some new adoptions... Here is Payne... this is my Nytemare I adopted...

Awards I have won...

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E-GuestBooks Server.
my old guestbook.
If you have anything to say about the site, please sign the guestbook, be it a good or bad comment. I would appreciate nothing obcene towards me or something on here, please keep it nice. If you have anything to say to me personally please e-mail me; I would like to hear from you.

If you have any questions, comments, or arguments feel free to e-mail me; I would like to hear your thoughts and opinions. If you find anything wrong with the site (ie: broken links, wrong statements that are said to factual (but are not), etc.) e-mail it to me and I will fix the problem whenever possible. If you find something offensive in any manner, e-mail me and I will either discuss it with you or change the problem. Even if you find me interesting and feel that you would like to talk to me, go ahead and e-mail me. :))

These are just random things I picked up off the web, and other stuff I felt like putting up here...
The current mood of the internet is...

Send a Spirit Flower!
Thank you, Aelfsiden, for mine :)
Some Webrings I belong to...
This page has been visited
times since January 28, 1999 by...umm...I dunno...who comes here anyway? (seems pretty sad to only have that many hits on my page, huh? Well it was more... but this is the third fucking counter I've had to get...Yeah, Yeah, I know I'm just lame, that's why I only have like 9 hits to my site... heh...)
Special thanks to...

Thanks Senac for the Counter (Revised on: November 30, 2004 - yeah, thanks for the shitty counter that DIDN'T fucking work... I appreciate it...)
This page last updated May 30, 2006