No I haven't died, yes I am stile compiling games and scores for said games, but first I have to curse one game in particiular... Curse you Tom Clancy's Splinger Cell: Pandora Tomorrow for being so addictive and frustrating all at the same time. Every time you die, you wind up going back for more pushiment. I think Sam Fisher has seen more lead in an hour of game time with me, than a bullet maker sees in a year of making bullets. That is if people still make bullets.. o_o; .. *coughs and shuts up*

Always much love to the ebay,Rei Kashino, he doesn't have much up at the moment, but when he does he has some really kick ass stuff; and Akira_the_Lost. On the Ebay front, I've got some of the usual candles and a sculpture or two, but the biggest things I've just touched on are some swords. One is a traditional chinese,with and engraved blade, which can be seen here and the other is actually a set of two Japanese Katanas with display stand, and those can be seen here.

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feelings nothing more than feelings.. strong and ever bonding, those feelings i feel are still there and will never die, they will not go quietly into the night, but would rather lay hidden, waiting, watching, always ready to love again..