Once again I Welcome you all to another of my web sites.
Now all I have to do is entertain you with some good pictures, right?
If you like dogs we've got pages and pages of our dog's pictures.
Of course it would be nice to show you who controls our area of Texas. Mostly it is the sand and sometimes the mosquitoes. But then again, look below!

This is my dog Cassie. Who else would be a "controller?
Just in case you are wanting to bookmark a few choice places to go after you view my homepage, here are a few places of interest.
Quester's Gift From The Gods
A rather novel approach to a cowboy and Muse love story with a lively time in Atlantis thrown in for spicy seasoning. (These are first looks at some chapters during publication)
Click here for extracts from a novel containing much about the Atlantis myth and the characters found in Greek mythology. The book is called
Quester's SouthSea Island Territories. A novel approach to a SouthSea's love story.
Click here for Free Clues to your personality using Western astrology and Sun Signs.
Click here for an Oriental key to your animal sign using Asian astrology to see into your personality.

Click here to go forward to a Quester's search for the missing Marilyn Monroe diary. Was there one? Is it true she collected dumb blonde jokes? Find out for yourself.

Click here for Quester's own joke gallery and humor corner taken from chatrooms on the Internet of the WWW. This is where both PLAYBOY AND PENTHOUSE get their jokes.
Click here
for Quester's Marina page. Every have a hankering to own a yacht? Well this site explains a lot about what happens when you buy a steel cutter (ocean-going sailboat) that just might take a bucket of money before you sail off into the sunset. We lived on ours for 9 1/2years before we bought a beach house and beached ourselves. Finally sold the boat and cried to see it go. Just don't forget to bookmark this site and come back. After all you haven't seen the gallery yet.
Now there's an idea for you. Why not retire from the bad life and start the good. Move on to an ocean going steel cutter and sail off into the sunset finding what you've been looking for all your life. I've got just the ticket for you. Go there and see for yourself. This may be the very idea you've been trying to forget.

Click here to go forward to a young person's story that again is great reading. This is another book length story by Siang Ying and Quester describing a young Chinese girl growing up so shy in school she doesn't talk. How does a young girl solve her problems? Don't miss how this all takes place.
Here is one last chance for you to explore through pictures the dock area and see The Rose Of Jericho.
Just click HERE
Go do it!

Click here to go forward to great reading. This is the beginning of a book by Siang Ying (Quester's Significant Other) describing her childhood growing up on the island of Borneo. Sarawak used to be independent but now is a part of Malaysia.
Click here for the information on overseas round-trip airline fares for 1/2 price or less.
Quester's Beach House This is where you can experience living on the beach along the Gulf of Mexico. Available daily, weekly, or monthly. Nicely furnished and ready for your vacation. Pets welcome.
CLICK HERE Want to see a review or two of good books about UFOs and their coverup and how you can have them for little money?

Quester's Territories: Personal Picture Gallery. The inside story: Life and times of a Quester.
The last time this site was modified was on October 16, 2006.
CLICK HERE for the next page.
©Copyright 2006 Quester
If you want to skip right over to pictures of the Port Aransas Sandsculpting contest for 2005
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