I've just joined something... Sign up! I need crew members! My ship's name is Yuki. Come on. Don't be chicken...Hey it's midnight. I'm not thinking at all

I will have more stuff up, I promise.

so I promised but I can break them. besdes no one reads this. See My Slam book!
added pictures!

My ship is Yuki!!

What I plan for this site is undecided . I might do an amie site becuse I choose Tokyo as a place.
or I might do something different all together. I have no Idea at all. Maybe I will set up a essay purchasing site but my English skills are horrible. so if whose ever comes I contact with this page.(very very doubtful) If you want you can leave me a message on the message bored. But I have no idea how it works so don't ask me.
I was feeling that My site didn't offer anything so I added the game. I haven't tried it so I have no idea. Sign all the stuff I have on this thing!

Hello! And Welcome to this page. Since I started this today there is nothing on it. But isn't the picture cute :-)
I have no reason for this page in fact I wrote on my form to yahoo, explaining what I was going to do, I put down: I don't know.

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