Contemporary Christian Rock
STAINLESS STEEL is an all-original Contemporary Christian Rock band based in Connecticut.

STAINLESS STEEL attracts a broad audience with the quality and variety of its repertoire: clever lyrics, great melodies, and a uniquely dynamic and refreshing blend of keyboard, synthesizer and guitar work set to very danceable contemporary rhythms. 

STAINLESS STEEL is a great live performance, party and celebration band with a focus on stewardship and outreach, challenging all of us to use our gifts and talents, to maximize each day, to grow in our Faith and blessings by giving and blessing others; to keep the Word of Life and the passion for life strong and fully intertwined!

Read the Bible every day!
From this week's reading:

..before the feast of Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come...he riseth from supper...and began to wash the disciples' feet'
John 13 : 1 thru 5

Christian Connection
Gospel Communication
Anonymous Bands
The members of Stainless Steel are veteran top-40/club musicians who have re-directed their talents to Christ, spent years in church music ministry and in many other contemporary Christian Bands.  They now write and perform their own music as an outreach ministry, merging all the best of today's musical styles and live performance excitement with a Good News Message of Values, Integrity, Morality and Praise. 

Sometimes it's in your face Gospel reality.  Sometimes it's an awesome party jam.  Sometimes it's a fabulous dance rhythm.  Sometimes it's a worshipful contemporary ballad.   But always it's a great experience to see Stainless Steel in action.

Planning a dance, a weekend concert, a fund-raiser or an outreach event? How about a church fair, block party, or Christian coffee-house?  Stainless Steel has the experience, creativity and resources to make that event very successful, energetic, and an extra special time of joy and blessing. Let the band, the engineers, and our promotional staff help you to discover this unique ministry. Contact us today!

In Christ,

Visits since 4/5/00

  Another Day
  Eyes of the Son
  Hit the Floor
  Trust Me

Sorry, Under Construction, Coming Soon!

TOUR DATES, Spring 2001:
Saturday, 4/21, CORNERSTONE COFFEEHOUSE,  Stanley Memorial Church, 639 East Street, New Britain, CT Doors open at 7PM, $5.00;  Opening act: Water to Wine

Saturday, 5/5, CUP OF GRACE COFFEEHOUSE,  open mike 7:30PM, then performance.
Grace Baptist Church, 736 King Street, Bristol, CT,  860-582-3840.

17th-19th, NE PRAISE FEST 2001, Norwich Worship Center, PraiseFest2001
165 Lawler Lane, Norwich CT (860) 822-9522, final schedule of performers pending.

Several  additional dates pending, check back soon.

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