Welcome to Gogihan and Broli's Dragonball z Tibute. If you like Dragonballz and a fun interactive page then you will like this site. Please read the following very carefully and make your choice wizely. This page is not affilated with FUNimation Productions and/or TOEI animation, Bird studios, Japanimation, or any other comercial organization which has the copyright to anime, Dragonballz or anyother japanimation series. There is no intented infrengment upon all or any of the entangible rights to or about Dragonballz, nor do we promote such activity. This site is ment only as tribute, to my favorite Anime series and is intended for that use only. |
*Time for a new look and a few new links!!!!!!! *the RPG opens 8-24-2002 at 12:30 am est.!!! updates will be completed by then so if you find links that are not working try again later.